Cases would increase due to climate change

by time news

2023-10-13 01:00:39

High pollen concentration rates lead to more pronounced levels of allergic rhinitis in children.
There are currently 262 million people with asthma in the world, although the number could increase by 100 million over the next two years.
This condition has no cure and also causes around 461,000 deaths annually.

Asthma in the world is usually seen as a minor issue although in reality it is quite the opposite. Not only does it have a high incidence but the short-term trend is for cases to continue increasing. It is also important to remember that it is a chronic and incurable disease but it can be controlled through medical treatments.

This condition is related to the immune response known as type 2 inflammation. It is characterized by presence of cough, difficulty breathing, tightness and wheezing in the chest.

Celebrities who have or had asthma: From Beethoven to Eminem

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Currently there are 262 million people with asthma and it is also responsible for causing 461 thousand deaths annually.

Now, the problem is that several recent studies affirm that by 2025 the number of people with asthma in the world could reach 500 million. In part, the phenomenon would be caused by the urbanized lifestyle and climate change.

Various forms of air pollution, including ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and traffic-related pollution, can trigger or worsen asthma.

For example, babies who are exposed to high levels of polluted air are more likely to suffer from persistent wheezing when they are older. Furthermore, children exposed to pollutants up to the age of seven can more easily develop this condition.

In this sense, a research published in the European Respiratory Journal highlights that, in Europe, 33% of new annual cases of asthma could be prevented if contamination standards were lower than the 2.5 microns established by the WHO.

The above is a pressing situation since asthma is already among the most frequent respiratory diseases in the child population globally, without taking into account the effects of environmental alterations.

In Mexico, asthma affects 6 million children and is considered the first cause of pediatric care in reference to the specialty in outpatient consultation, emergencies and hospitalization for the Institute of Security and Social Services for State Workers (ISSSTE). While according to the GAN study, in the pediatric population, wheezing occurs in up to 26% of schoolchildren, and up to 23% of adolescents.

Pollen, an asthma trigger

Another natural factor that contributes to intensifying asthma is pollen, whose proliferation is due to humidity caused by environmental changes. High levels of pollen concentration lead to more pronounced levels of allergic rhinitis and exacerbation of asthma in the population allergic to these pollens.

Asthma, an incurable disease but that can be controlled

In this context, an increase in pollen levels has been recorded in Mexico City at the expense of allergens. According to representatives of the Mexican Aerobiology Network (REMA)during last winter, its presence increased significantly compared to January 2022.

Dampness, mold and their relationship with asthma

Another component of nature that contributes to intensifying asthma is mold. Currently it has a proliferation due to humidity caused by changes in the environment. According to the United Nations (UN), events related to water resources have increased by 134% in the last two decades.

Also read:

Celebrities who have or had asthma: From Beethoven to Eminem

Asthma, an incurable disease but that can be controlled

Pollen allergy, how to protect asthma patients?

#Cases #increase #due #climate #change

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