Why Supporting Families is More Effective than Orphanages: The Debaters

by time news

Title: Donating Money to Orphanages: Time to Rethink Priorities and Support Families Instead

Subtitle: The debaters: The children are better off growing up with their parents

Published Date: October 12, 2023, at 09:45

In a passionate debate article, Paula Guillet de Monthoux, Secretary General of the World Childhood Foundation, and Daniel Grahn, General Secretary of Erikshjälpen, highlight the urgent need to redirect donations from orphanages towards supporting families. They argue that despite growing evidence of the harmful effects of orphanages, Swedish donors and others continue to contribute funds, fueled by misconceptions about the needs of vulnerable children.

Citing global statistics, the authors point out that approximately 90 percent of children in orphanages have at least one living parent. Contrary to popular belief, the main reason for placing children in orphanages is poverty, not protection from violence. The detrimental consequences of institutional care, including increased risks of violence, abuse, and long-term trauma, are well-established.

The authors express concern about the continued financial and volunteer support provided to orphanages, even in the face of increasing efforts by many countries to transition away from institutional care. They urge donors to recognize the significant benefits of investing in support measures that allow children to grow up within their families.

Highlighting the misconceptions prevailing among the Swedish population, the authors refer to a recent YouGov survey conducted on behalf of Childhood and Erikshjälpen. The survey shows that 76 percent of Swedes believe that orphanages are homes for orphans, while 84 percent think that violence or neglect leads to children being placed in orphanages.

However, the reality is starkly different. The vast majority of children are not in orphanages due to violence but because their parents are economically disadvantaged. The authors argue that instead of well-meaning but often unskilled volunteers, funds should be directed towards family strengthening efforts.

Guillet de Monthoux and Grahn emphasize that it is high time for a paradigm shift, calling for an end to donations and support for orphanages in favor of supporting families. Redirecting resources towards improving living conditions, education, and other essential services for families will enable children to grow up in a safe environment and have a better chance at a successful future.

In conclusion, the authors appeal to individuals and organizations to reconsider their contributions and prioritize supporting families over orphanages. They assert that this principle should apply not only within Sweden but also across international borders, emphasizing the crucial role of donor countries in enabling a positive change for vulnerable children worldwide.

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