Stand-up comedian Slava Komissarenko left the Russian Federation due to fears of persecution by the KGB of Belarus

by time news

Stand-up comedian from Belarus Slava Komissarenko left Russia due to the fact that the KGB of Belarus put him on the wanted list. The comedian announced this during his speech in Kiev.

“Guys, do you know how I spent the New Year holidays? I was put on the wanted list by the Belarusian KGB. A person who is connected with the Belarusian protests wrote to me. He wrote me a message: “Hello, Slava. Unfortunately, there is information from reliable sources that they are going to kidnap you in Moscow and take you by car to Belarus. Be careful.” I’m like, “Be careful?!” It’s as if I’m not running away from the KGB, but carrying hot tea, ”said the humorist in a video posted on his Instagram.

The comedian explained that he learned that he was put on the wanted list from his acquaintances. In particular, after one of the speeches, several people warned him that in Belarus they want to open a criminal case against him. “I left, as it turned out, not in vain. The KGB officers, apparently, were tired of walking along the Arbat looking for me and decided to call me. They called, wrote SMS, however, go to my Instagram to see ten posters from Kiev and understand that I’m not in Moscow, they didn’t guess, ”the comedian explained. Now he is in Kiev, where he has a series of performances planned.

The press service of the KGB of Belarus denies the persecution of the comedian. “There is nothing to comment here. This is complete nonsense and nonsense, ”the press service of the KGB of Belarus told RBC.

Recall that in early January last year, the comedian was canceled touring certificates for performances in Minsk. In November, Slava Komissarenko, in an interview with Russian journalist Yuri Dudyu, criticized the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, as well as the events in the country that took place in the country after the presidential elections in August 2020. In the same interview, the humorist said that he wants to obtain Russian citizenship, he already has a residence permit in the Russian Federation.


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