Coach Corner: What is Ethical Leadership?

by time news

2023-10-12 05:23:37

Dr. Virgilio A. Cordón

“It is impossible to promote ethical leadership if it is not molded from the highest positions in the organization, without encouraging transparency and honesty, without implementing decision models based on ethics and without recognizing the correct behavior of collaborators.”

What are the theories?

Currently there are three theories that try to explain what ethical leadership entails, although
Each of them has important differences. The transformational theory that involves inspiring
and motivate others to achieve common goals, promoting positive changes and
growth within the organization. The second seeks to serve the needs of its
community rather than serving personal interests through empathy and compassion. The
The third is the one that seeks to be honest with themselves and their values, building credibility
within their organizations. They usually show ethical transparency and are consistent
between what they say and what they do. Obviously the last one is the one that represents what is a
true ethical leadership.


Ethical leadership involves five concepts: a) Leadership based on high moral principles, b) Seeks to inspire its members to positive changes, c) Demands that they lead by example, d) Establishes high standards of ethical conduct, and e) Prioritizes a attitude of high respect to
human values.

What are the principles?

In addition to the concepts, ethical leadership must comply with the following principles: 1) Respect everyone’s opinion, 2) Serve others, 3) Demonstrate justice, 4) Demonstrate
honesty and, 5) Build community around values.

“Examples from organizations around the world have shown that it is possible to implement ethical principles while achieving tangible financial and reputational business results.”

The ethical leadership model must be an integrated set of values, vision and communication
effective so that a virtuous circle can be created. Values ​​and vision must be combined
to focus on service, while vision and communication must ensure that
Collaborators understand the purpose of an organization based on compliance with the
ethical standards.

The benefits for organizations that live under ethical leadership are tangible and
intangibles. Internally, trust within the organization is increased, as it creates a
transparent and honest environment for all, while, at an external level, it increases good
reputation. Another benefit is that by having transparency, honesty and trust, the risks in the operation are significantly reduced and teamwork increases. Additionally, by having an organization where communication is clear and information is shared, better decisions are made and innovation is stimulated since all of the above allows us to know where they are and where they want to go.

What are the challenges?

Of course, the development of ethical leadership has important challenges, among which
we can highlight: 1) Knowing how to balance the interests of all parties, 2) Knowing how to manage with
firm hand the complex ethical issues, 3) Be impartial regardless of the position held by the
collaborator within the organization, and 4) Understand and manage the cultural differences that
may exist inside and outside the organization. All of the above requires a continuous process
of learning and adaptation, which can be greatly facilitated if the
ethical principles from the beginning.

How to promote ethical leadership?

Like most actions in any organization, it must be strongly supported and
demonstrated by example from the highest positions clearly indicating what is expected
of ethical behavior. Next, it is important to promote a culture of openness and
transparency at all levels and implement a reference framework that clearly indicates how
Decisions are made from the ethical perspective of the organization. It will also be important to reward collaborators who demonstrate their ethical behavior to encourage others to follow it and finally, seek alliances with suppliers who share ethical behavior. Successes!

#Coach #Corner #Ethical #Leadership

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