Night marathon in France for the approval of the vaccination pass

by time news – At the end of a long session that lasted until 4 am on Saturday 15 January, the French deputies approved in second reading the government bill that transforms the health pass into a vaccination pass, equivalent of the Italian super green pass. The text therefore returns to the Senate and the final ok is expected on Sunday afternoon with a final vote by the National Assembly.

The bill, which was immediately the subject of animated debates both in Parliament and in civil society, began its parliamentary journey on 29 December. This is the twelfth health emergency text from March 2020. About 450 amendments were examined at the National Assembly and the text was dismissed with 185 votes in favor, 69 against and 8 abstentions.

After approval at first reading by the deputies, the bill was significantly modified in the subsequent passage to the Senate, where the right has the majority. It was then examined by a mixed commission of deputies and senators, which, however, did not find an agreement. Reason why the text returned to both houses of Parliament for a second reading.

The text passed by the deputies is similar to the one they voted last week, but with some changes that partially welcome the decisions of the Senate. For example, the vaccination pass it will not impose itself on adolescents between 12 and 16 years, who will still have to have a health pass to access many places. The government had a goal of getting the new pass into effect by today. If all goes as planned, postpone until tomorrow.


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