Real tourism GDP will grow this year by 6.5%

by time news

2023-10-13 18:24:00

The real tourism GDP, which does not take into account the inflation, will close in 2023 by 6.5% above that of 2022 idand towards 2024, more moderate growth is already expected, around 1.5%. These are the estimates of CaixaBank Research pointed out by ‘Tourism specialist of CaixaBank’s Regional Directorate of Catalonia, Roser Prats, during his speech this week at an event of the Federation of Campsites of Catalonia, the Caravaning fair.

Prats explained that international tourism has recovered strongly from March 2021 and specifically the increase in overnight stays from tourists of American and EU origin should be highlighted. As for domestic tourism, which recovered remarkably after the pandemic and which helped the sector make up for the lack of international arrivals, it has now shown more moderate growth, also because the health situation has allowed the domestic tourist regain interest in long-distance travel. Regarding tourist expenditure, he commented that the increase is due to an increase in costs resulting from the increase in the price of energy and food products.

Recovery of the camping sector

In this post-pandemic context, it should be noted that the camping sector has recovered faster than the rest of tourist accommodation, since during the pandemic there were many tourists who opted for this type of vacation for the first time. Therefore, overnight stays in campsites have grown by 13.9% compared to 2019 and have clearly gained market share.

The great weight of overnight stays in campsites is centered on tourists of Spanish origin who today represent 56% of the total, followed by tourists from Germany, the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom. In this scenario, we want to highlight the increasingly important arrival of tourists from northern European countries, who are more aware of environmental issues and who choose those tourist establishments that opt ​​for energy improvements and that offer guarantees in terms of sustainability. In this sense, the effort of the business sector of the campsites in Catalonia should be highlighted, since in recent years they have made important investments in sustainability issues.

Finally, on this day the first Camping Congress of Catalonia was officially announced, which aims to become an essential forum for connection, learning and the creation of synergies between all the key players in the world of campsites.

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