Dr. Danielle Belardo’s Essential Supplements for Heart Health: Folic Acid, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin D

by time news

Cardiologist Shares Insights on Three Essential Supplements for Heart Health

Dr. Danielle Belardo, a renowned cardiologist based in Los Angeles, has dedicated her career to studying heart health and promoting healthier lifestyles. Belardo, who also hosts a podcast to educate the public on reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, often gets asked about supplements and their importance. While she emphasizes that most supplements are unnecessary unless there is a clear deficiency, she does recommend three essential supplements that she takes daily: folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin D.

Folic acid, the synthetic form of folate or vitamin B9, is recommended for all women of childbearing age. Belardo herself takes a multivitamin that contains folic acid to ensure she meets the recommended daily intake of 400 micrograms. Although folate can be obtained through diet, taking folic acid is crucial for women capable of becoming pregnant, as it helps prevent major birth defects.

Vitamin B12 is another vital supplement for certain individuals, particularly vegans and vegetarians. Belardo, a vegan herself, explains that B12 is naturally found in animal products but not in plants. As a result, vegans and vegetarians are at greater risk of B12 deficiency, which can lead to symptoms like fatigue and tingling sensations in the hands and feet. While fortified foods can provide B12 for those on a plant-based diet, Belardo recommends supplementing with B12 to be safe.

Similarly, Belardo takes a vitamin D supplement, a nutrient essential for calcium absorption, immune function, and reducing inflammation. Vitamin D deficiency can be common, especially in individuals with limited sun exposure or genetic factors. For vegans, getting enough vitamin D through diet alone can be challenging. Belardo advises taking a vitamin D supplement, particularly for those who avoid sun exposure due to concerns about skin cancer.

However, Belardo cautions that before starting any new supplements, it is crucial to consult with a doctor. Supplements should not replace a healthy diet and lifestyle, and specific needs and deficiencies should be addressed by medical professionals. Belardo firmly believes that the decision to take supplements should be individualized and driven by medical guidance.

In conclusion, while most supplements may not be necessary for everyone, certain circumstances may warrant the use of supplements to support heart health. Folic acid, vitamin B12, and vitamin D are three supplements that Dr. Danielle Belardo personally takes daily based on her research and expertise. As with any new supplement regimen, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage and frequency for one’s individual needs.

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