IDF Arrests Senior Hamas Officials and Updates on the War in Gaza

by time news

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“The eighth day of the ‘Iron Swords’ war: The IDF arrested senior Hamas officials in Jenin and Nablus in the early morning (Saturday) according to Palestinian reports. During the night, after residents of Haifa and Kiryat testified that they heard explosions, the IDF intercepted two unidentified targets over the city of Haifa tonight – according to an IDF spokesman The air defense fighters intercepted another unidentified object near Shafaram. After the IDF aerially searched the Gaza Strip, the forces carried out searches inside the strip and found the bodies of several missing persons near the fence.

War in Gaza – coverage N12

Yesterday, among other things, commando headquarters and high-rise buildings were attacked in the Gaza Strip, including the intelligence departments of Hamas. The UN called on the IDF to stop its call for evacuation for fear of ‘devastating humanitarian consequences’. The number of those killed and fallen since the beginning of the war stands at about 1,300, the IDF spokesman informed about 120 families that their loved ones were kidnapped to the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the fighting, 3,484 wounded have been evacuated to the hospitals, with 394 wounded still hospitalized, of which 99 are in serious condition. For the list of the murdered and fallen whose names were allowed to be published – click here.

Ongoing updates

07:00 – President Biden in an interview with the program ’60 Minutes’: ‘Working like crazy to find the American hostages held by Hamas.’

06:45 – During tonight’s debate in the UN Security Council – Russia proposed a ceasefire for humanitarian reasons that would include the release of hostages, the entry of aid into the Gaza Strip and the evacuation of civilians. This is a one-page draft that was distributed to the representatives of the countries at the debate.

05:14 – Palestinian sources: The IDF arrested early this morning senior Hamas officials in Nablus – Adnan Asfor and Ahmed Awad, as part of an arrest operation.

Sheikh Adnan Asfor, one of the top Hamas officials in Nablus, was arrested in an IDF operation.

03:43 – The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Before the evacuation order, more than 400,000 Palestinians were displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip.

03:22 – The Home Front Command informs that there is no fear of infiltration by terrorists of more than 500 meters and it is not a security incident.

03:07 – The IDF attacked a Hezbollah target in southern Lebanon in response to the infiltration of unidentified intercepted vessels and the shooting of an IDF unmanned aerial vehicle. The launch towards the aircraft was intercepted – according to the announcement of the IDF spokesman.

02:44 – A car driver broke through a barrier in the Jerusalem area, drove in the opposite direction and twice hit an MPJ jeep that was chasing him. After disobeying the soldiers’ instructions – he was neutralized. The police started an investigation.

The vehicle that broke through a checkpoint near Jerusalem.

02:06 – IDF: Suspicion of terrorist infiltration in Ma’aleh Mikamesh in Samaria.

01:34 – Following the alert that was activated about the intrusion of an unidentified object near Shafaram, the air defense fighters intercepted an unidentified object that penetrated Israeli territory – an IDF spokesman.

01:13 – IDF Spokesman: Following the reports of the echoes of explosions over Haifa, air defense fighters intercepted two unidentified targets over the city of Haifa, no warning was activated according to policy.

01:11 – Suspicion of hostile aircraft infiltration: alarms in Ebalin and Shafram in the central Galilee.

00:51 – Residents of Haifa and Kiryat report explosions heard in the area. No alarm was triggered – the details are under investigation.

00:35 – The rocket fire towards Sderot: four hits were detected in the city, including a direct hit to a house. There are no casualties.

00:26 – Following the alert that was activated about the infiltration of terrorists in the town of Ma’ale Ephraim, the Home Front Command announced that ‘the treatment of the incident has ended’ and that it is possible to leave the houses and move in the area without restriction.

00:13 – Initial report of three falls in the city of Sderot – one of them caused a house fire. At the same time, a power outage in a residential neighborhood in the city, according to the Sderot municipality. No injuries were reported.

00:03 – Fear of a security incident near Kibbutz Ashdot Ya’akov in the Jordan Valley has been ruled out.

23:58 – Alarms in the Gaza Strip and Sderot.

23:48 – Documents obtained by Sky News and found on the bodies of the terrorists who carried out the attack on Saturday indicate that the attack was planned more than a year ago. The front cover of the bundle of documents, classified as ‘Top Secret’, was dated October 2022.

23:09 – Following the situation: the rating agency Moody’s postpones the rating decision for Israel. This is good news because it means silence from them for six months after there was a danger of downgrading following the reform.

23:04 – According to a report on NBC and Sky, as a result of the air force strikes, three convoys of Gaza residents were hit that were moving southward following the IDF’s call to evacuate the northern part of the strip. According to the report, 70 people were killed, most of them women and children, 200 were injured.”

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