“Herpes zoster in the vaccination calendar in Veneto”

by time news

2023-10-14 18:16:01

The “Veneto Region, with a resolution of 11 August, has included vaccination for herpes zoster in the vaccination calendar. Within the same, in a specific volume, the details of the vaccination of patients in conditions of risk for which is recommended. I am thinking, for example, of oncological and oncohaematological patients, rheumatic patients, diabetics or those with other risk conditions. In a patient being treated for these pathologies, herpes zoster can present itself in a serious form and further compromise the quality of life”. Thus Luca Gino Sbrogiò, president of Siti Triveneto and director of the Prevention department at Ulss 6 Euganea in Padua, on the sidelines of the GSK symposium ‘The Zoster case: vaccination as an integral part of the care of fragile patients’, held within of the National Extraordinary Public Health Conference organized by the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Siti), at Villa Erba in Cernobbio from 12 to 14 October.

“With regards to the organization of vaccination against herpes zoster – added Sbrogiò – for the Veneto Region it is essential that the doctor treating the patient takes action to propose it to the patient. If the latter is hospitalised, the treating clinician will take care of the reporting to the public hygiene services, otherwise the task falls to the general practitioner. In order to make compliance, i.e. acceptance of the vaccination by the patient, easier, an attempt is made to offer the vaccine in the hospital. excellent initiatives are already active in Vicenza, Rovigo, Padua and in other areas, where doctors specializing in hygiene and preventive medicine and health assistants manage a clinic inside the hospital, where it is easy for the clinician to send the patient, if he has the necessity, recommendation and usefulness of receiving this important vaccination”.

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