Why was Palestine chosen to found the State of Israel?

by time news

2023-10-15 04:52:33

The Jewish community was the ethnic group most punished in the first half of the 20th century in an anti-Semitic Europe that had the Second World War – and the subsequent Holocaust – as the worst event in the history of the planet. At that time, millions of Jews were persecuted and murdered by the Nazi regime led by Adolf Hitler, leaving an enormous mark on the survivors and the rest of the people that lasts to this day. Thus, after the conflict, an attempt was made to resolve the problems faced by the diaspora in European anti-Semitism, which led to the proclamation of the independence of the State of Israel in 1948. A territory that would be created in Palestine and that, more than seventy years later , still generates disputes such as the current fight between the Israeli Army and Hamas.

The desire of the Zionist David Ben-Gurion and the “iron lady” Golda Meir could come true and the Jews found a territory where they could live in peace and practice their religion freely. However, this situation of hatred and rejection of Jews that jihadist groups in the Middle East show in 2023 has been a mishap that began to take place several centuries ago. Strong anti-Semitism manifested itself with Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party, but long before, Jews were persecuted, expelled and hated in many places. For example, in England (1290), France (1394) and even in Spain (1492).

When was Israel founded and why in the Middle East?

Torah worshipers have always believed in “the Promised Land,” a state in which Jews could live without hatred or persecution, and in which they would be seen as equal to Christians (with whom integration was impossible). other religions such as Islam. Thus, the historic sieges against the believers of Judaism gave rise to a movement called Zionist, with Theodor Herzl as its leader, which gained strength during the 19th century. A current that saw Palestine as a solution to anti-Semitism and that was chosen based on the Old Testament.

Jewish tradition indicates that the area in which Israel sits is the land that was promised by God to Abraham and his descendants. The area was invaded in Antiquity by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians or Romans. The latter named the region Palestine and expelled the Jews from their land. Thus, the Arabs occupied Palestine until it was conquered by the European crusaders. In the 16th century, the Turkish denomination was established that would last until the First World War, when the British mandate was promoted, which declared in favor of “a national home for the Jews in Palestine.”

Previously, other options had been considered in some parts of Latin America, but the UN reported that the reasons for establishing a Jewish state in the Middle East focused on “arguments based on biblical and historical sources.” There, the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and the bases for reconstituting the Jewish National Home in said region were recognized.

But this generated polarization between Arab nationalism and Zionism, which is why the UN approved a plan for the partition of Palestine in 1947. The Jews accepted it, but not the Arabs, who considered it an “invasion and loss of their territory.”

A year later, on May 14, 1948, the Jews declared in Tel Aviv the creation of the State of Israel, supported by the United Nations. Today, more than 80% of the UN recognizes Israel, although this decision has caused numerous disputes, criticism and revolts that persist to this day.

#Palestine #chosen #State #Israel

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