Joe Biden Urges Humanitarian Aid and Condemns Hamas Tactics in Call with Israeli and Palestinian Leaders

by time news

Headline: US President Joe Biden Urges Humanitarian Aid and Condemns Hamas’ Use of Human Shields in Call with Middle Eastern Leaders

Summary: US President Joe Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday, urging them to allow humanitarian aid to the region and expressing his support for efforts to protect civilians. Biden also accused the Hamas terror group of using Palestinian civilians as human shields. The calls mark Biden’s continued efforts to address the ongoing crisis in the region.

In a series of phone calls on Saturday, US President Joe Biden emphasized the need for humanitarian aid and condemned the Hamas terror group’s use of Palestinian civilians as human shields. Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, urging them to prioritize the well-being of civilians and expressing his support for efforts to protect them.

During a speech at a Human Rights Campaign dinner in Washington, Biden stated, “The humanitarian crisis in Gaza – innocent Palestinian families and the vast majority that have nothing to do with Hamas – they’re being used as human shields. We have to reject hate in every form.” Biden linked the humanitarian crisis in Gaza to Hamas’ actions, stating that the group had kidnapped and held hostage both children and grandparents.

Biden’s call with Abbas was his first since the Gaza conflict began. According to a US readout of the call, Abbas provided an update on efforts to bring aid to the Palestinian people, particularly in Gaza. Biden reiterated his belief that Hamas does not stand for the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and self-determination.

In a separate call with Netanyahu, Biden expressed unwavering US support for Israel and briefed the Israeli leader on regional efforts to ensure civilian access to essential resources such as food, water, and medical care.

The Biden administration has not publicly called for Israel to restrain its response to the Hamas attack but has emphasized the country’s commitment to following the rules of war. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been intensifying diplomatic outreach across the Middle East to rally international support in preventing the conflict from escalating further and to address the growing humanitarian crisis.

During his visits to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Blinken highlighted the need for humanitarian assistance and safe passage for those seeking to leave Gaza. He also called Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, seeking China’s help in preventing the war from spreading.

In response to the crisis, the US announced the deployment of a second aircraft carrier strike group to the eastern Mediterranean to support Israel and deter Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah terror group from entering the conflict.

The calls and diplomatic efforts by the Biden administration reflect growing global concern for the well-being of civilians in the region and the potential consequences of a prolonged war. The international community is urging all parties involved to prioritize the safety and protection of innocent civilians caught in the crossfire.

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