Hamas Support and Protests in the U.S.: Senator Rubio Calls for Visa Cancellations

by time news

Title: Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Erupt in America Prompting Senator Rubio to Call for Visa Cancellation and Legislation

Date: [Date]

In the wake of the recent Hamas attack on southern Israel, demonstrations supporting the Iranian-backed terrorist group have spread across the United States. Shockingly, many of these protests have taken place on college campuses, where administrators have failed to condemn Hamas’ horrific actions and instead allowed pro-terrorist activities to continue.

Disturbingly, some of those responsible for organizing and participating in these pro-Hamas demonstrations are foreign nationals holding visas. Republican Senator Marco Rubio from Florida has called on the Biden Administration to cancel and rescind the visas of individuals who endorse or espouse terrorist activities, including those who defend or support Hamas by advocating for actions to eliminate the state of Israel.

Senator Rubio stated, “America is the most generous nation on earth, but we cannot allow foreign nationals who support terrorist groups like Hamas and march in our streets calling for ‘intifada’ to enter or stay in our country. The Biden Administration has the authority and an obligation under existing law to immediately identify, cancel the visas of, and remove foreign nationals already here in America who have demonstrated support for terrorist groups.”

Furthermore, Senator Rubio emphasized that he will introduce legislation to compel the Biden Administration to take action in this regard. He aims to ensure that individuals who actively support Hamas, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, have their visas rescinded and are removed from the country.

The U.S. Code’s 8 USC 1182 outlines classes of “aliens ineligible for visas or admission,” including those who endorse or espouse terrorist activities or support terrorist organizations like Hamas. Additionally, the law prohibits the entry of individuals whose proposed activities in the United States could have potentially serious adverse foreign policy consequences.

This isn’t the first time Senator Rubio has taken a strong stance on national security. In the past, he rejected plans to allow refugees from Gaza into the United States, citing the high risk of terrorism in the region and the nation’s inability to secure its own borders or properly vet those already present.

Looking ahead, Senator Rubio plans to introduce legislation that will require the Biden Administration to revoke visas of foreign nationals actively supporting Hamas and remove those currently in the United States. He also intends to pursue legislation that will strip federal funding from colleges and universities that allow activities endorsing or espousing terrorist organizations as designated by the U.S. government.

As the nation grapples with how to address the rise in pro-Hamas demonstrations, Senator Rubio’s efforts aim to ensure the safety and security of American citizens while upholding the values and principles that define the nation.

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