How long are we going to allow the “ancestral leaders” to continue holding us hostage?

by time news

2023-10-13 17:37:00

I have been following with horror and out of obligation (because they have me locked up) the events that are destroying my country, little by little we are heading towards a polarized, divided and destroyed society. The steps that are being taken clearly show that the strategy of the groups that today have me kidnapped in my own home are aimed at taking away my freedom, taking away the freedom of all Guatemalans.

Wasn’t this how Fidel Castro began the destruction of Cuba? Limiting freedom? But of course this is something that very few understand and believe that when one mentions it, it is influenced by the private sector. And I want to clarify something that I have always said, the private sector is all of us who do not live off government funds, all of us who, through the provision of our professional services, or through businesses of purchase and sale of goods and services , or by selling our labor we earn our daily bread. Make no mistake, we have been made to believe that the private sector is the big businessmen, and that is not true, we are all of us, from the chiclero who sells on the corner, the lady who provides her cleaning services and washes other people’s clothes, the shopkeeper, the mechanic, the trailer driver who is stopped for 10 days in a row on the road, and the businessman who directs steel production in the country.

Who is going to pay us for what we are losing? Who are we going to hand the bill to for the losses that all professionals, entrepreneurs, and large companies are having? Could it be that the “Ancestral Leaders” or government officials who are not doing their job are going to compensate us for the losses and damages they are causing us?

And I’m not saying that they are not right, it is more than good that someone raises their voice against the corruption and excesses of the politicians of this country, but I do not agree that they hold me hostage, their actions are similar to those of the group Islamic terrorist “Hamas” in Israeli territory. Under the banner of “peaceful” they have us locked up and now they decide what to let pass and what not, what we are going to eat and when we are going to eat, whether we can add fuel or not, because they, in their mercy and grace, will allow us the passage of trucks so that gas stations can sell us energy and gas to cook in our homes.

I ask them, with what money are we going to buy it, if they have me hostage? How do I go about earning money to support my family? In this country, 80% of the population operates in the informal economy, they do not have a fixed income, and every day they lose locked up, without freedom to go out on the streets to earn their bread, is one more day of hunger and loss of income.

What terrifies me most is: Who are we going to demand from? The authorities on duty do not even pay attention to the Constitutional Court and its rulings, they allow groups of “motivated” people to hinder our right to move, to find a way to earn a living, to take away our freedom to earn our daily living. . I see with horror how the authorities in power, for whom, if the majority of Guatemalans vote, do not guarantee my freedom, do not guarantee anyone’s freedom. They are not fulfilling their obligations, they only want privileges, they only exercise power to achieve their ends.

I call on all neighborhood associations, community groups, unions, business chambers, productive associations, federations, large companies, so that together we can regain our freedom, we already realized, that not even the government,

Not even the “indigenous leaders” (whom I did not elect, nor did I ask to represent me), give a shit about our well-being, our future, or the future of our children. Let’s not fall victim to Stockholm syndrome (falling in love with our kidnappers), and let’s get up, 12 days of disguised kidnapping have already passed, we must no longer endure this absurd fight between illegitimate powers.

#long #ancestral #leaders #continue #holding #hostage

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