The possibilities that agriculture 5.0 offers to production | Cuyo’s diary

by time news

2023-10-14 11:00:01

The importance of collaboration between technology and agriculture is becoming more and more evident in a world where it is essential to achieve productivity with sustainability, in the midst of a panorama that is not very favorable as a result of factors such as climate change, environmental pollution, overpopulation and the water crisis, which affects several regions of the world and in particular the province of San Juan.

The development of agriculture 5.0, represented by robots that intervene in different ways within the production process, carrying out autonomous tasks; and artificial intelligence linked to machine learning, which allows the automation of various functions applicable to agriculture, is decisive in these times to advance techniques that favor production in a way that has never been done before.

Process automation engineering specialized in the production of agri-food and applicable to some productive sectors such as olives or tomato plantations, is an area that is currently expanding in our province, as it guarantees better yields. production and higher quality of products, for the benefit of exports and also domestic consumption.

To reach agriculture 5.0, a long path has been taken that began with stage 1.0, based on human and animal strength, and with the support of basic tools. Then came stage 2.0, which is when the first machines managed by farmers entered, which meant a significant increase in productivity. The step to 3.0 was when computer and electronic systems were incorporated that allowed the automation of some production processes. For some years now, we have entered 4.0, where decisions are made with the use of devices capable of interconnecting and processing information in real time, using advanced data analytics techniques. Now the door has been opened to the incorporation of technologies that aim at autonomy, with robots and artificial intelligence that allow autonomous learning and task control systems; an integrated, efficient and intelligent productive chain; and permanent interconnectivity with timely decisions thanks to information processing. This is what is called Agro 5.0 and that all sectors linked to agricultural production must incorporate into their ventures so as not to miss the train of development.

In areas of the Catholic University of Cuyo, a few weeks ago an ‘International Agro 5.0 Seminar’ was held, in which all the possibilities offered by this new panorama were analyzed and used to design, implement and manage a sustainable development system. for control of the use of provincial water resources.

We must not be left behind in technological development in a world that will increasingly require more food production in more adverse conditions for crops.

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