FPÖ and far-right “2. “September 12, the end of the Siege of Vienna, should be declared ‘Remembrance Day'” demand!

by time news

2023-09-12 22:38:39

Vienna. Remarkable demand from FPÖ and extreme rightists for September 12, the 340th anniversary of the Battle of Kahlenberg in Vienna!

The end of the Second Siege of Vienna by the Turks began to play an increasingly important role in right-wing and far-right discourses. This situation was also revealed by a resolution submitted by some European Parliament (EP) MPs who wanted September 12 to be an EU-wide holiday. In the proposal in question, four centuries ago „European values ​​are successfully defended through cooperation between today’s member states“ ve “The beginning of the end of Turkish hegemonic politics” It is stated that it was heralded. The motion was put forward in July by liberal MEP Roman Haider, several MEPs from the AfD, as well as the Italian Lega, the Dutch „Forum for Democracy“ (the party leader believes in the sovereignty of reptiloids) and an EU-sceptic Croatian party.

Members of Parliament, “Declaring September 12 as a commemoration day celebrated as a special holiday in EU institutions” he requested.

Motion for resolution submitted by FPÖ and others.

Identitarian Lantern Regiments

However, the anniversary has already begun to be celebrated. The far-right Identitarian Movement has been organizing a torchlight procession in Kahlenberg every September 12 for several years. Even this year the right-wing Akademikerbund „On the exemplary determination of Christian warriors against the Islamization of Europe“ organized an event for which, among others, FPÖ Member of Parliament Susanne Fürst and AfD politician Petr Bystron were also announced.

But even among conservatives, September 12 commemorations are highly respected. For example, the Catholic “Fest Mariä Namen” dates back to the Battle of Kahlenberg. It is said that a “Schutzmantelmadonna” was carried there in front of the army. During the celebration, the following song is sung: “O Mary, patroness of Austria, continue to hold your mother’s hand over our beloved homeland dedicated to you.”. This year’s participants included EU Parliament Vice President Othmar Karas (ÖVP) and President of the Austrian Bishops’ Conference Franz Lackner. Meanwhile, the Austrian Armed Forces are also celebrating a thanksgiving and holiday service together with Polish soldiers, as Armed Forces Spokesperson Michael Bauer wrote on Twitter.

A deep-rooted tradition

The confession letters for the letter bomb series in which the Styrian Franz Fuchs was convicted in the 1990s were signed “We are defending ourselves – Count Ernst Rüdiger von Starhemberg”. “Starhemberg” was engraved on the gun used by the bomber who killed 50 people going to the mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand. The young Australian has previously traveled the world, visiting the Military History Museum in Vienna and donating to the Identitarian Movement in Austria. Twelve years ago, mass murderer Anders Breivik, who killed 77 people, mostly young people, also mentioned the Battle of Kahlenberg in his manifesto: He described the document as “2083 – Europe’s declaration of independence”.

In the words of the Identitarian Movement, the Battle of Kahlenberg, „against mass migration, Islamization and the policies responsible for it“ It has a long tradition as a symbol. What is not mentioned, however, is that other traditions would not have existed as they did if it had not been for the Turkish siege: according to legend, Turkish soldiers left behind several sacks of coffee beans when retreating. These coffee beans were later used to establish the first coffeehouse in Vienna.

The Battle of Kahlenberg, or the Battle of Almandağı as the Ottomans called it, ended the Second Turkish Siege of Vienna on September 12, 1683. A German-Polish relief army led by Polish King John III Sobieski defeated the Ottoman army. This defeat marked the beginning of the end of Turkish hegemonic policy. (yenivatan.at)

#FPÖ #farright #September #Siege #Vienna #declared #Remembrance #Day #demand

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