Do you want to request a loan? The requirements to apply for a loan

by time news

2023-10-15 22:25:18

Many Chileans and also foreigners can request consumer loans to be able to buy something they need, invest in a business, travel or simply pay off debts. That is why banks offer different alternatives to provide a loan.

Each banking institution has different conditions when it comes to lending money, since the requirements, amounts and fees vary. Also interest rates can change significantly. Below we show you three good alternatives from some banks to request a loan.

How to request a consumer loan? The options in some banks

To request a consumer loan you must keep in mind that the terms and conditions along with the requirements may vary in each case. Although in all of them you must sign a document to then comply with the payment of installments, which have interest. Below we show you how to request a loan in three different banks.

State Bank

The State Bank provides a consumer loan that must be minimum 19 UF ($688 thousand approx.). The advantage is that you choose the term to pay it, which can be between 6 and 60 months and up to 84 months for clients in agreement. In addition, you can pay the first installment up to 90 days after the loan and you have two months of the year (non-consecutive) in which you can not pay.

Your credit is automatically credited to your Checking Account, Electronic Checkbook or RUT Account and you will be able apply if you meet these requirements:

To be older than 18 years-old and to have Chilean or foreign nationality with more than one year of definitive permanence.Ser persona natural without commercial line.Net income from $200,000 for dependent workers and from $350,000 for independents and rentiers. Work seniority for dependent workers: minimum 1 year in current job with an indefinite contract 6 months with permanent contractfor workers in private companies with a remuneration agreement. Employment seniority for independent workers: minimum 1 year from the start of activities with at least one income tax return. evaluation subject according to the Bank’s Credit Policy. Credit home.

The interest rate is fixed, but varies depending on the money you request and the period of time you pay, but It can be between 12.6% to 35.88% annually. To check the rates, enter HERE.

To request the credit, present the required documentation such as identity card, payment statements or fee slips, among others. You can go directly to one Banco Estado branch, call 6004007000 or through the Internet or the App. For more details go to this LINK.

Chile bank

It also offers consumer loans in which you musts pay the debt between 6 to 60 months after the loan. Likewise, you have up to 90 days to pay the first installment and up to 2 non-consecutive installments free of payment during the year.

Those who are clients of Banco de Chile may have pre-approved loans that they can take immediately to receive the payment. Anyway, You can apply for a loan if you meet these requirements:

Have minimum income of $500 thousand pesos.It can be a person dependent, independent professional, retired or rentier (rent). Activities that present instability in their amount or that do not prove periodicity and/or recurrence in their income are excluded. You must have minimum work seniority of 1 year if you are an independent professional or a renter.Have minimum 21 years.To be Chilean or foreigner with definitive residence. If you are a foreigner without permanent residence, you must be a dependent with an indefinite contract, an income of at least $1 million, one year of work experience and the maximum term of the credit is 12 months. Dependent workers must have indefinite contract or plant contract.You must not have debts with Banco de Chile or with the financial system and not be subject to legal prohibitions.Have a home identifiable.

The Interest rate also varies depending on the amount and number of installments. For example, a loan of $7 million in 24 installments has an interest rate of 31.92% per year, while in the case of requesting $1 million in 36 installments the rate is 42.28% per year. To see all the amounts enter HERE.

Likewise, if you want to request your consumer credit you can simulate it in this PLACEin order to later request it with the documents established according to the requirements.

Credit and Investment Bank (BCI)

The BCI, like the other two options, offers up to 90 days term for the payment of the first installment of the consumer credit and up to 2 months of non-payment of fees per year. Likewise, you can pay it between 6 to 60 months.

Also offers postponement of installments online up to 4 times a year. The payment can be made online for those who are clients of the bank and have a pre-approved amount. If you want to request it, you must meet these requirements:

Minimum income of $400,000.Age since 18 years.Minimum length of service 1 year according to activitySer Chilean or foreigner with definitive residence.Sufficient payment capacity according to parameters defined by the credit policyComply with the debt and equity levels according to credit policies defined by the Bank. People with credit experience.Good commercial behavior of the applicant and his/her relatives, such as: spouse, partners and related companies.Comply with the approval level provided for in the Risk Analysis (Scoring) that the bank uses for the evaluation of its clients required by the Financial Market Commission.Address and telephone verification in accordance with bank policiesMinimum credit amount is $350 thousand.

The interest rate is also relative in each case according to the quotas and amounts. For example, a loan of $7 million in 24 installments charges from 23.4% interest, while if you request $1 million in 36 installments the interest rate is up to 42.88%. To see all the amounts go to this LINK.

If you want to simulate the credit you can enter HERE and access as a client, or by providing your data if you are not. Immediately You will see the amounts and dates, plus you will be able to see if you want to request it.

Where should you request a consumer loan? Compare at each bank

If you want to see different consumer credit options in various banks in the country you can compare in the free platform offered by Sernac HERE.

Once inside you must choose the amount you want to request, the number of installments and you will be able to compare the total cost of the credit or the value of the installment that you will pay monthly.

What is the difference between a fixed and variable interest rate?

The fixed interest rate occurs when the rate applied to credit remains unchanged throughout the agreed term, so it never changes, as in most of these loans.

Otherwise, consumer credits with Variable interest rates are those in which the rate changes according to a reference index, as explained by the Financial Market Commission. Both cases are important when requesting a loan.

Are you thinking or have you already requested a consumer loan?

Are you thinking or have you already requested a consumer loan?


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