Retired US General compares Israel’s recent attack to 9/11 – The Israeli war of 2023

by time news

Title: Retired US General Compares Hamas Attack on Israel to 9/11

Subtitle: Former Intelligence Commander Warns Israel to Be Cautious in Upcoming Actions

Date: Oct. 15, 2023

Author: Ronny Reyes

Retired US General David Petraeus, who played a key role in leading America’s wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, has compared last week’s Hamas attack on Israel to the devastating events of September 11, 2001. Petraeus stated that the attack, which claimed the lives of over 1,300 Israelis, was proportionally worse than the 9/11 terrorist attacks in terms of casualties.

Speaking to CBS News, Petraeus emphasized the impact of the Hamas strike by comparing the populations of the two countries. He highlighted that the attack on Israel would be equivalent to the United States having experienced more than 40,000 losses instead of the 3,000 lives lost in the 9/11 attacks. The former CIA director also cautioned Israel to reflect on its upcoming actions as it considers invading Gaza, drawing parallels to the US “war on terror” that ensued after 9/11.

Petraeus urged Israel to be mindful of the consequences of its actions, citing the lessons learned from the aftermath of the 9/11 attack. He suggested that some actions taken by Israel may be viewed differently in the future, emphasizing the need for caution. Petraeus noted that there is an awareness of this in Jerusalem.

Regarding the ongoing conflict, Petraeus acknowledged that Israel faces a formidable challenge fighting against Hamas. He highlighted the sophistication of Hamas’ intelligence network, which exceeded previous estimations and caught both Israel and the US by surprise. Petraeus commended the level of planning, training, and coordination carried out by the terrorist organization.

Petraeus also raised the critical question of what Israel would do if its invasion of Gaza proves successful, considering the dense population of over 2 million Palestinians residing in the territory. He stressed that it would not be feasible for Israel to walk away from Gaza after neutralizing Hamas.

In addition to Petraeus’ comparisons, Israeli Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan labeled the attack as “our 9/11,” emphasizing its severity. Erdan highlighted the initial estimates of 250 fatalities and 1,500 casualties, likening it to the impact of 7,500 fatalities and 50,000 casualties in the United States.

The shocking magnitude of the Hamas attack has sparked international concern and calls for restraint from both sides. As the crisis unfolds, experts and leaders continue to grapple with the complex challenges and potential consequences of the ongoing conflict.

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