Solar energy manages to double the number of jobs in Spain in just one year

by time news

2023-10-16 13:29:32

Solar energy is enjoying its honeymoon in Spain. In the last year, the Government’s incentives and commitment to the energy transition has accelerated the implementation of solar energy throughout the country. But, in addition to the favorable environmental effects that this entails, this industry is becoming an increasingly notable source of job creation, since in just one year the number of jobs in the sector has doubled of solar energy in Spain.

The conclusions of the latest report published by the Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) show the rapid and dizzying progress experienced by this renewable energy in the last year. A growth that is in no way similar to what other renewables have had, such as wind power, whose progress is more moderate.

In short, the data in the report show that photovoltaic energy is the leading technology in accelerating the energy transition, decarbonisation and reindustrialisation of our country.

Solar energy park in Seville agencies

In just one year, solar energy has doubled its installed capacity. Specifically, it achieved an installed capacity of 240 gigawatts (GW) of new photovoltaic capacity, which represents an increase of 137% compared to 2021. In addition, 4,701 MW of ground plants have been installed, surpassing by 30% that installed in 2021. In this sense, self-consumption has increased by 108%, reaching 2,507 MW.

A sector that generates employment

But the installed capacity is not the only thing in which this renewable energy excels. The photovoltaic sector has also become a job-generating market. In just one year, the number of workers dedicated to the installation, maintenance and research of this clean energy has doubled. Specifically, the use of the sector amounted to 197,383 national workers linked directly, indirectly and indirectly to the photovoltaic sector. Of these, 59,100 were direct, 97,600 indirect and 40,683 induced, respectively.

“For the first time in our history, we face the third industrial revolution with a competitive and sustainable energy with the ability to create a business fabric, retain what we have and attract investments, while combating the climate emergency”, highlighted Rafael Benjumea, president of UNEF, during the presentation of this annual report with the title ‘Promoting biodiversity and sustainable growth’.

The Made in Spain value of the technology is one of its strong points, given that up to 65% of the equipment can be manufactured in Spain. In fact, the sector’s exports generated 4.94 billion euros, 81% more than in 2021.

The ‘Made in Spain’ factor is decisive: up to 65% of the equipment can be manufactured in Spain

“If we were to analyze the factors that have led us to achieve these figures, they would be the following: an increase in competitiveness in photovoltaic technology, the boost from the Recovery Funds of the European Union for self-consumption and the latent commitment of Spanish citizens in the fight against the climate emergency”, emphasized Benjumea.

However, during the presentation of the UNEF Annual Report, the sectoral association also wanted to focus on the challenges that the Spanish photovoltaic sector still has to address, especially if it wants to continue breaking records. “So that these data can be sustained over time and the sector can find sufficient stability, we must address important challenges”, insisted Benjumea.

A photovoltaic installation in Spain agencies

In this sense, the president of the Spanish Photovoltaic Union emphasized that many administrative ‘bottlenecks’ are still occurring, that efficient management of the networks is required, as well as an adequate system for setting prices , it must be provided with greater security in the supply chain, decisively promote the storage of energy and renewable hydrogen and increase, through dissemination, positive social perception.

“These are challenges that, in addition, challenge us as a whole society and that we have to take on from the photovoltaic business fabric, from public institutions, from the media with responsibility. We are facing a mission with the real capacity to transform our country”, he recalled.

Photovoltaics in the world

Despite the setbacks caused by the various international crises, photovoltaic solar energy has reached 1,185 gigawatts installed. As in other years, the figures indicate that China remains the world’s leading player, surpassing 106 gigawatts of installed power per year. This year, after the mighty Asian powerhouse, the European Union has come in second place, doubling installed power in 2021 and reaching a new record with 41 gigawatts.

The European Union has overtaken the USA as the second global player in photovoltaic development

The European Union has overtaken the US as the second global player in photovoltaic development, installing 47% more than in 2021, surpassing 208 GW of accumulated power. For its part, Spain is positioned as the first market in Europe with 7.2 GW installed in 2022. This year, Spain has surpassed Germany, which has led the European market for most of the time in the last 20 years (only six times has it not been the main EU market, replaced once by Italy, twice by Spain and three times by the United Kingdom).

In this way, worldwide photovoltaic energy production already represents 31% of generation capacity, placing it as the second source, behind hydraulic energy.

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