the common position of the European Union does not provide a date for the exit from fossil fuels

by time news

2023-10-17 02:13:37

The European Union (EU) may repeat that it is the most ambitious continent in the world in the fight against global warming, but it will arrive at COP28, which is to be held in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, with a limited negotiating mandate on behalf of the Twenty-Seven. Since this required the unanimity of the Member States, the European environment ministers, who met in Luxembourg on Monday October 16, had to take into account the reservations of those who were less willing.

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Unsurprisingly, Hungary and Poland, in particular, whose economies remain very carbon-intensive, have once again slowed down community aspirations. Giorgia Meloni’s Italy also pushed its partners not to get too involved. “Could we have gone further? Absolutely “, commented Wopke Hoekstra, the new climate commissioner, before recalling that the exercise consists of getting twenty-seven countries to agree.

While Europeans have already adopted a set of legislation – from the end of thermal engine cars in 2035 to the establishment of a carbon tax at borders – which should allow them to reduce their emissions by 57%. of CO2 by 2030 compared to 1990, they did not make this figure a new objective. “57%, it would be an excellent announcement at the COP, we would clearly demonstrate that Europe is a leader” on the climate, had estimated, before the council of ministers, the vice-president of the Commission, Maros Sefcovic.

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The Twenty-Seven were content to return to the target of a reduction of at least 55% in their greenhouse gas emissions, included in their climate law. “A few rare” governments, including Warsaw, Budapest, Sofia, Zagreb and Rome, “did not want to create confusion” and give the impression that they gave themselves “a new goal”explained Spanish Minister Teresa Ribera, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU.

Clash of two blocks

The Twenty-Seven did not ask the Commission to defend, in Dubai, the unconditional exit from fossil fuels. They have in fact decided to treat those who are backed by carbon capture or storage systems differently from those who are not. Only in the second case, they judge, should we consider their elimination. Without considering it necessary to give themselves a date, the Europeans mention, in their regard, “a peak in consumption during the current decade”.

This part of the mandate was the subject of complex negotiations which saw two blocs clash. Around ten countries, including France, Germany and the Netherlands, campaigned, like NGOs, for an exit from all fossil fuels, unconditionally. “If you listen to all the scientists, it’s pretty clear that we need to phase out all fossil fuels”argued the Dutch climate minister, Rob Jetten, urging the EU to be “the most ambitious block” on the issue during COP28.

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