Retirement granted by the INSS for those between 40 and 50 years old: Understand how to apply

by time news

2023-10-16 16:56:08






INSS retirement granted to those between 40 and 50 years old: Understand how to request INSS retirement can be granted to mandatory insured persons and optional insured persons who have completed the requirements in force by 11/13/2019 – acquired right or by the rules brought about by the pension reform of Constitutional Amendment No. 103 of 2019.

In the case of pensions in force until 11/13/2019, the INSS insured may request the following hypotheses:

Retirement by time of contribution

Proportional retirement.

Special retirement

Retirement of people with disabilities

And, in the case of pensions brought about by the pension reform, the INSS insured can request:

Retirement based on contribution time + 50% toll.

So, a person aged 40 to 50 years old, on 11/13/2019, could apply for retirement, let’s look at each of the requirements of these rules:

Retirement by time of contribution

The insured person who had a minimum contribution period could retire, where the value of the benefit would correspond to 80% of the highest salaries with the application of the social security factor.

In the case of women, the minimum period until 11/13/2019 was 30 years of contribution.

In the case of men, the minimum time until 11/13/2019 was 35 years of contribution.

So, if you have the acquired right to this rule, you may still benefit from the granting of retirement based on contribution time and the application of the lifetime review.

Let’s look at an example of what the situation would be like for a person between 40 and 50 years of age with the minimum amount of time for retirement:

Understand the Social Security Factor in Retirement and when it can be applied.

Proportional retirement.

In the case of proportional retirement, the insured person may request the granting of the benefit if they meet the following requirements:

Let’s look at an example of an insured named Maria Selma who contacted the office in November 2021.

Until 11/13/2019, the insured could request proportional retirement for having completed 30 years and 18 days of contribution and being over 48 years old (she was 50 years old) and could request retirement based on contribution time, let’s see the difference in values:

In this example, Mrs. Maria Selma will benefit if she requests retirement based on contribution time because there is no double reduction in the calculation of the benefit.

Read about the review of proportional retirement and understand that many insured people can benefit from applying just one reduction in the calculation

Special retirement

A person aged 40 to 50 can benefit from the application of the special retirement rule if the requirements are met by 11/13/2019.

Our office has several specific articles about special retirement:

After 13/11/2019, the insured person aged 40 to 50 years will be unlikely to complete the requirements due to a minimum age requirement of 55 to 60 years.

Retirement of people with disabilities

A person aged between 40 and 50 years old can request retirement based on the contribution time of a person with a disability, as long as a degree of disability (severe, moderate or mild) is proven.

Conditions vary according to the degree of disability, with a specific minimum contribution time being required for men and women. The pension reform did not change the retirement rules for people with disabilities.

Retirement based on contribution time + 50% toll

As of 11/13/2019, there were changes to retirement rules that impact people aged between 40 and 50 years old. Constitutional Amendment No. 103/2019 eliminated the social security factor in most cases, except in the transition rule for retirement based on contribution time.

As long as you meet the three requirements simultaneously, you can apply for retirement based on contribution time:

Requirement 3 corresponds to 50% of the time remaining to reach 30 years of contribution (women) or 35 years of contribution (men) on 11/13/2019.

In this transition rule, all contribution salaries are considered to calculate the average benefit salary, and the social security factor is applied.

Therefore, if you only met the retirement requirements based on contribution time or the 50% toll transition rule, your benefit may be reduced due to the application of the social security factor.

Exploring retirement options for workers in this age group

Workers in their 40s and 50s face important decisions when it comes to planning their retirement. At this stage in life, it is essential to explore available options and take appropriate steps to ensure a financially stable future.

It is important to say that many people at this age go through a transition in their professional career due to the high unemployment rate after the age of 50.

According to research by the consultancy IDados, in the last ten years, Brazil gained more than 2.2 million unemployed people in the two most sensitive ends of the job market alone: ​​young people between 18 and 24 years old and professionals over 50 years old [1].

Therefore, careful analysis of the professional trajectory and retirement options that a person between 40 and 50 years of age can ensure a more peaceful future.

We saw that the main retirement rules available for this group are:

Retirement by time of contribution

Proportional retirement.

Special retirement

Retirement of people with disabilities

Retirement based on contribution time + 50% toll

Let’s see the table below for a summary of the possible benefit values:

In the table above, the most advantageous rules are retirement for people with disabilities and special retirement as no reduction is applied to the average salary of the benefit. – Source: JusBrasil

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