One of the hostages at a synagogue in Texas has been released; Contacts with the kidnapper continue

by time news

An armed man barricaded himself in the Beit Yisrael synagogue in the city of Cullivil, Texas and took four people hostage, the local police reported last night (Saturday). Around 2:30 Israel time One of the abductees was released and is now in the process of reuniting with his family.

Three abductees including the rabbi of the community are still inside the synagogue and the FBI is continuing contacts with the kidnapper, whose motive behind the abduction is apparently related to his demand to release the convicted terrorist Aifa Sidiki, who is serving a prison sentence in Texas for attacking American soldiers in Afghanistan.

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Large forces of police along with special units for the fight against terrorism and the rescue of hostages as well FBI agents have been called to the scene and contacted the kidnapper and they are still in contact with him. The area near the synagogue was evacuated and residents in the immediate vicinity were asked not to reach the area. Local police said that No casualties have been reported so far.

U.S. media reported that the kidnapper broke into the synagogue, apparently during a bar mitzvah celebration held at the venue, and took At least four people hostage, including the rabbi of the synagogue, This is according to an official in the law enforcement system. It was further reported that the kidnapper claimed that he was armed and that there were a number of explosive devices in the area that would explode if he was killed.

CNN reported that Law enforcement officials including the FBI believe the kidnapper’s motive is linked to terrorism, For it appears that he is demanding the release of a convicted terrorist who is serving a prison sentence in Texas. However, contrary to reports that the kidnapper identified himself as Aifa’s brother, Aifa’s brother’s lawyer claimed he was not involved in the incident and added that he opposed her release through violence.

According to the report, The kidnapper spoke with a well-known rabbi in New York about the convicted terrorist Aifa Sidiki and told her that Sidiki had been indicted and that he was interested in her release.. The FBI interviewed the lot, who has nothing to do with the kidnapper, and she said that the rabbi of the synagogue, who is among the hostages, called her at the kidnapper’s request.

Earlier, the suspect’s voice was heard live on the synagogue’s Facebook page when he said, “I’m going to die today … if anyone tries to enter this building, I’ll tell you … everyone will die.” Among other things, he sounds cursed, expresses himself antisemitically and demands that Aifa be released and talk to her. The broadcast was later stopped and downloaded from Facebook and is now unavailable.

Following the incident, Dallas police said they are stepping up security around synagogues in the area. Earlier, the Los Angeles Police Department also announced that it was increasing security in synagogues and stressed that this step does not come as a result of any threat, but as a precautionary measure. In New York, too, security has been beefed up around Jewish hotspots in the city for extra security.

The White House has updated that president Joe Biden Updated on event details and that he is following the happenings. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett He wrote on his Twitter account: “I am closely following the hostage incident that is taking place in the Beit Israel community in Culiwille, Texas. We pray for the safety of the hostages and the rescuers.”

US Ambassador to Israel Tom Mobile He wrote: “I am closely following the reports of the hostage situation in the Beit Yisrael community in Texas, where the community gathered for Shabbat prayers. Pray for an immediate and safe end.”

Governor of Texas Greg Abbott Updated that “The Texas Department of Public Safety is at the scene of the tense hostage event in Colville, Texas. They are working with local and federal teams to achieve the best and safest outcome. I continue to monitor the situation.”

foreign Minister Yair Lapid Talk to Livia LinkThe Israeli consulate in Houston, which is on its way to the scene of the incident, received an update on what is happening on the ground: “The situation of the hostages is being closely monitored and we are in close contact with the law enforcement authorities,” he said. The consulate later updated: “I am on my way to the area as we closely monitor and receive updates on the evolving situation in Colville, Texas, and I stand here with the community during this difficult time. My heart and prayers are with the Jewish community today.”

Minister of Diaspora Nachman Shai He wrote on Twitter that he is closely following the situation and is praying for the safety of the hostages. Member of Knesset Rabbi Gilad Karib He said: “We pray for the well-being of the worshipers and the community and hope that the event will end soon without casualties. This event illustrates the common fate of Jews from all streams and the world. I am in touch with the leadership of the North American Reform movement and pray with them

Anna Kislansky The director general of the Reform Movement said: “Like all the people of Israel, in Israel and in the Diaspora, we are following with breathlessness what is happening at the Reform Israel Synagogue in Colville, Texas. Members of the Reformed communities in Israel embrace, strengthen and pray for the peace of our brothers and sisters in the community in Texas. “

Yaakov Hagoel Chairman of the World Zionist Organization and Acting Chairman of the Jewish Agency: “He monitors with concern what is happening at the Beit Israel Synagogue in Culiwille, Texas in the United States and prays for the safety of all involved.”

According to the synagogue’s website, the Beit Yisrael community was officially established in 1999 with 25 member families and belongs to the Union of American Hebrew Communities, now the Union of Reform Judaism. The Colville Religious School opened with 75 registered children and today the community numbers over 60 families and more than one hundred children.

The rabbi of the community is Charlie Citron-Walker who has been in office since 2006. According to the site, since taking office he has “worked to bring a sense of spirituality, compassion and learning into our community life. He loves to connect with people of all ages and strives to continue the tradition of accepting everyone “Into our community, from mixed families to LGBT families to those who want to find a spiritual home in Judaism, along with everyone else.”

On the eve of Passover in 2019, an antisemitic shooting took place in a Chabad synagogue in the town of Pavi, on the outskirts of San Diego, California. 60 Lori Gilbert Kay, 60, was killed in the incident. In the city, Israel Goldstein, who was shot in the hands. According to reports from the hospital, an 8-year-old girl who was injured by shrapnel was also injured.


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