how to defend yourself? Practical advice

by time news

2023-10-17 16:43:00

Plastic is everywhere, around and inside us. How can we defend ourselves from what we absorb? The handbook developed by doctors and paediatricians, as part of the ‘National campaign for the prevention of health risks from exposure to plastic’, comes to the rescue. Objective, to spread information among doctors and patients, making available documents available to reduce exposure to toxic substances released by plastic, and to understand the risks, which are particularly high in utero and childhood exposure, while helping the the environment to free itself from waste that is dangerous for all ecosystems.

The campaign is conducted by the Association of Doctors for the Environment Isde Italia and the Italian Network of Sentinel Doctors, in collaboration with the Italian Federation of General Practitioners (Fimmg), the Association of Endocrinologists (Ame), the Cultural Association of Pediatricians ( ACP), the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors (Fimp), the Italian Society of Paediatrics (Sip), Choosing Wisely Italy and the Faculty of Food Sciences of the University of Pollenzo (Cn).

Practical advice in a handbook: here’s what they are

Choose objects not made of plastic and completely abolish disposable ones. Check that the products you purchase (clothes, fabrics, cosmetics, etc.) do not contain plastic. Remember that microplastics are also absorbed through the skin.

Eliminate water in plastic bottles immediately and drink tap water. In 1 liter of bottled water – experts warn – there are around 5 million microplastics.

Look for shops that sell loose food and hygiene products (and choose green and reusable packaging (paper, cardboard, aluminium). You will be able to buy fruit and vegetables from local farmers, at markets and from solidarity purchasing groups which are now present in many Common: Vary your daily diet as much as possible.

For disposal, use the appropriate plastic containers at home and outside. Never throw plastic into the environment.

Why commit to reducing plastic use? Health also benefits. Contact with the toxic substances released by plastic – explain the experts – can cause damage to health, more serious if transported by microplastics, which penetrate the body, especially with the foods we consume, or with water and drinks in plastic bottles, by contact with synthetic fabrics, creams and cosmetics that contain them, detergents, but also simply by contact with plastic toys.

The numerous chemical substances contained in microplastics can cause: endocrine interference, with negative effects on male and female fertility; effects on neurodevelopment; increased risk of some types of cancer; cryptorchidism; ‘obesogenic’ effect favoring insulin resistance and the onset of type 2 diabetes; inflammatory effects with alteration of the intestinal microflora and possible interference on the absorption of nutrients.

Advice, information and the campaign poster can be found in doctors’ offices, schools, pharmacies and any participating facility. The promoters’ invitation is to contribute to the diffusion.

#defend #Practical #advice

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