Tribune for peace, justice and freedom of peoples

by time news

2023-10-17 17:24:31

In a previous editorial, “Time for reflection”, I explained that, paradoxically, the hotter the subject, the less appropriate it is to react directly, especially when it comes to offering an analysis of the Israeli conflict. -Palestinian. However, Israeli President Isaac Herzog having declared that there are no innocent citizens in Gaza, I had to move away from this reflection with this column.

Nobody deserves to die. A life is worth a life. That of the Gazans is as important as that of the Israelis, no offense to President Herzog.

The war, that which certain world leaders wage against their populations, does not only take place on the battlefields. No. War, those where people like you and me, totally innocent, die by the millions in atrocious suffering, and whose massacres are only the “systematic” finalization of the influence on minds (Noam Chomsky had it well describe). An exacerbated control of souls which results in constant manipulation carried out for the benefit of those who foment, organize, finance, start and profit from wars.

The main locus of these wars is in our minds. “He who controls the media controls minds”, said Jim Morrison of the Doors. Controlling mass communication allows you to influence the minds of each person to better control the minds of all.

How ? Through cognitive manipulation.

Television, radio, cinema, theater, Internet, dark web: all of this represents only one device allowing the programming of perceptions. Topics selected from dogmas that support themthrough the chosen angle, the information we have access to is there to make us think and believe what those who lead us want us to think and believe.

And, indeed, given that they have almost a monopoly on information, the ruling elites can make those who listen to them believe anything and everything. Now, this is not a criticism, but an observation: the masses represent the majority of the population, and this majority carries with it the minority in the direction in which our leaders want to send us all, the one which corresponds to their interests. Which is not necessarily ours.

Just look at the “information” broadcast over the last week, some of which are truly “deep fakes”, the censorship that is being deployed (a peaceful video by Idriss Aberkane is no longer available on Youtube), or the pressure put by European Commissioner Thierry Breton on Elon Musk, owner of X (formerly Twitter) who allegedly allowed the development of erroneous information. Not to mention the ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France, the subject of a freedom appeal before the Council of State today.

As was the case with fear triggering general global panic during the Covid episode, one of the variants of the war virus is the media themselves: propaganda pushed to its climax thanks to modern means of communication (1 ).

Shocking images and formulas generate divisions within the population, fueling hatred between people and within nations. This thus makes it possible to lead to a new global conflict, as if it were legitimately demanded by the people.

And for whose benefit?

Always the same. I repeat: those who foment, organize, finance and start wars, incessant wars all over the world since 1914.

“We do not wage war for our homeland, we wage war for industrialists”, said Jean Jaurès, who was murdered for having, among other things, repeated this phrase. Jaurès who also said:“War is waged by people who do not know each other and who kill each other on behalf of people who know each other, but who do not kill each other..”

“The people’s propensity to be manipulated, it’s like the human stupidity from which it comes: it’s the very definition of infinity.” We will therefore agree with Jaurès and Coluche. However, nothing stops us from remaining strong. Let’s not let ourselves be blinded by our emotions. Let us not give in to those who manipulate us. Let’s resist! Let us ask ourselves the question that must be asked every time one or more people are murdered: who benefits from the crime?

What if the thousands of victims were only the pretext for manipulation, mere extras in a horribly disastrous play whose final act could drag humanity into a new world war? After all, Alexa, Amazon’s artificial intelligence, had planned this new conflict for November 23, 2023…

Israel, Hamas, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia: all the countries and organizations more or less officially linked to this conflict are led by leaders linked to the high finance caste. And it’s the same thing elsewhere: in Africa, America, Asia, Oceania, and the West.

This is why we must not conflate and condemn Palestinians who kill Israelis, and Israelis killing Palestinians. Here they are, the immediate and direct victims of this global conflict into which politicians and mainstream media are leading us under the influence of global high finance without morality. Everything is purchasable: Fraud corrupts everything (“Fraud corrupts everything”).

This hatred that they create in us, that they impose on us, let us not have it against this or that camp. To hate one or the other (or both) is to hate ourselves, to work towards our destruction.

The war that is currently taking place is not that of one people against another. This is the war that world leaders are waging against all the people of the world. Against humanity.

From the sharing of wealth or basic necessities, people’s problems are created all over the world by certain politicians and those who place them in power.

Is France supposed to take sides in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? A position which would have condemned the atrocities of a terrorist act while asking not to make the amalgam and not to make the Gazans pay the price of the murderous madness of Hamas would have been a “at the same time” for once saving . The French position lacks perspective, thereby leading to a division of opinion comparable to that of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict: for or against. Binary and without nuances. However, there is nothing binary about these conflicts and anyone who asks themselves the question of who started them will be well aware that they must maintain a cool head and humility. Our primary duty should be to work for peace “whatever the cost”…

The “dogma” of certain parasitic politicians and their sponsors is domination and exploitation. But who is their master of thought, their god?

For the anthroposophist Steiner, contested by some, “the forces of evil (2) belong to very high spiritual hierarchies which, instead of advancing cosmic and human evolution, hinder it”.

The god of this dominant group would therefore be Lucifer. In which case, Jews, Christians, Muslims and atheists should all unite(3)!

Start thinking like a free man. Stop constantly obeying the paradoxical injunctions of those who govern us and lead us on the path opposite to that of our interests.

Let’s take back our destiny. And even if it means disappearing, rather than killing each other, let’s get rid of those who do everything to make us kill each other.

And this with only one possible choice in sight, which must be imposed on every individual and every constituted body: to be on the side of the people, not alongside those who want to dominate and exploit them. It’s our duty.

(1) Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s Minister of Information, was a great specialist…

(2) The forces of eviltitle of a book by Bernard Gouritin (2002) which reflected the malaise of our societies and of citizens ready to cling to anything in order to give meaning to their lives, even if it means falling into violence.

(3) In the religious universe, evil is generally represented by Satan.

#Tribune #peace #justice #freedom #peoples

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