The Great Benefits of Fish Oil: Beyond Expectations | Giffarine Fish Oil Products

by time news

2023-10-18 02:53:00
Wednesday, October 18, 2023, 7:53 a.m.

Take a look at the great benefits of fish oil. Benefits beyond expectations that you may not have known.

Nowadays, people are increasingly paying attention to their health to be strong and prevent illness. From teenagers, working people, or people of retirement age. It can be seen that there are many activities. Both exercising and going to the fitness center, but in addition to exercising for health. Many people choose to take various dietary supplements. To maintain health both outside and inside Including for the benefit of treating and preventing illness.

The well-known and widely consumed dietary supplement is fish oil or Fish Oil, one of the health supplements that provides the most benefits. The benefits of fish oil are well known. There is research that helps in nourishing the brain and helps with memory. But fish oil also has many benefits to our body, such as helping to reduce fat in the blood. Prevent heart disease High blood pressure and helps with osteoarthritis Rheumatoid arthritis can also occur.

And if anyone is looking for fish oil products as a dietary supplement for health Giffarine, the leader in Thai health and beauty brands Raise an army of fish oils of various sizes, great value. Come to answer the questions of people who love health. With dietary supplements Giffarine Fish Oil (Giffarine Fish Oil) capsule type, available in both 500 mg fish oil (providing 90 mg EPA, 60 mg DHA) and 1000 mg (providing EPA 180 mg, DHA 120 mg) packed in sizes of 50 and 90 capsules and the dietary supplement product Giffarine Fish Oil 4X (Giffarine Fish Oil 4X) contains 1000 mg of fish oil (provides E PA 100 mg. DHA 500 mg.) Available in 2 sizes, both 30 and 60 capsules, by fish oil from Giffarine. Use quality ingredients according to pharmaceutical standards and GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3) standards, which play a role in promoting brain development. learning and remembering The fish oil is extracted from the meat, head, and tail of marine fish. Which is rich in essential fatty acids that humans cannot synthesize on their own, called Omega-3 (Omega-3).

In the group of omega-3, there are 2 important types of unsaturated fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid. (Docosahexaenoic acid) or DHA is important for brain function. Because it is the basic structure of brain cells Helps strengthen brain cells Helps nutrients and oxygen reach the brain more easily. Increases the efficiency of brain cells and eicosapentaenoic acid. (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) or EPA reduces the risk of developing blood clots. Coronary heart disease Helps reduce triglyceride levels in the blood. Helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL). Reduces viscosity and improves blood circulation. Reduce inflammation caused by osteoarthritis. and rheumatoid arthritis

Let me tell you that fish oil contains omega 3, which is a beneficial fatty acid that is suitable for many groups of people at different ages, such as those who have knee joint pain problems. Osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis People who do not eat enough food As a result, there may be a lack of essential fatty acids. or those who want to maintain general health You can also take fish oil to maintain your health.

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