Hamas Attack on Israel: IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi Vows to Eradicate the Terrorist Entity on Our Borders

by time news

Former Chief of Staff Major General (ret.) Aviv Kochavi spoke out for the first time about the surprise attack by Hamas that occurred 12 days ago. In a recorded speech aired at a fundraising event for friends of the IDF in the United States, Kochavi stated that Israel can no longer tolerate a terrorist entity on its borders, and the IDF has decided to eradicate Hamas.

Kochavi acknowledged that Hamas’s infrastructure is dispersed throughout the Gaza Strip, making it difficult to eliminate the organization quickly. “The organization’s fighting infrastructure is spread throughout the length and breadth of the Strip, within a civilian population, so it will take time,” he said.

During his speech, Kochavi also emphasized that the war in Gaza is not just a conflict between Israel and Hamas but a battle between the enlightened world and barbarism. He condemned Hamas’s actions and compared the organization to ISIS, stating, “Hamas has shown the world that they and ISIS are the same. This is an extremist organization.”

Regarding the attack that took place on Saturday, Kochavi expressed his outrage at the brutality exhibited by Hamas. He described the attacks on Israel as some of the worst events in the world. “On Saturday morning, they brutally attacked the State of Israel. The IDF and the State of Israel suffered severe damage, women were raped and murdered, and children were shot in front of their parents. Our hearts explode with rage, and we cannot grasp this satanic behavior.”

However, Kochavi sought to instill confidence in the IDF and the ability to overcome Hamas. He stated, “We must not lose confidence that the IDF will be able to win this. The IDF is strong and equipped with weapons. All our enemies will see what the State of Israel and its citizens are capable of. The evil that struck us also showed the uniqueness of the citizens and soldiers of courage and solidarity. Where there was a confrontation between terrorists and our soldiers, the terrorists were defeated.”

Kochavi addressed concerns about international pressure and emphasized the need for support from the international community. He urged the world to allow Israel and the IDF to complete their mission, as failing to do so would have implications for other countries. “Israel and the army are waging a war against Hamas, and the world must let us finish the mission. Anything short of completing it will also affect other countries. The world should support us and give us time,” he said.

In conclusion of his speech, Kochavi expressed the need for reflection and learning from the conflict. “When it’s over, we’ll have to take stock and see where there were mistakes, learn from it – and make the necessary changes,” he said.

The words of Former Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi highlight the necessity of eradicating the terrorist organization Hamas and the determination of the IDF to achieve this goal. However, the challenges posed by Hamas’s infrastructure within civilian areas make it a complex and time-consuming task. The international community is called upon to support Israel in completing the mission and recognizing the threat that Hamas poses not only to Israel but to the world at large.

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