The “case” of Andrea Lucidi, or the state of information in Italy

by time news

2023-10-14 15:21:48

Apparently, the information it is a topic of great relevance for both the European Union and Italy. Adhering to this line, we should aspire to truly free and pluralist informationin which no perspective should be censored or judged a priori as incorrect.

In a free society, the focus should be on the process which allows individuals to distinguish between good and evil, rather than bubble the news as incorrect or influenced by elements contrary to freedom and intellectual progress.

Unfortunately, regarding freedom of information, the situation in Italy is very bad. In the case of the paper press, Italian newspapers now depend heavily on online advertising and state contributions, without which they would be forced to close. It is therefore not surprising that they often act as political banners, bending to the will of the state, which in turn is often influenced by European economic and political power. This unelected power imposes guidelines that go beyond governments and the priorities of citizens, who – at least in recent years – have expressed themselves in vain through elections.

The media, in order to survive or pursue profit, given that many newspapers are linked to industrial groups, bend to government directives regarding the editorial lines to follow, often in such a clear way as to require fact-checking and ad hoc legislation which imposes restrictions and censorship on freedom of expression.

For some time in Europe, the idea has spread that correct information should not be contradicted by discordant voices. In other words, an attempt is made to impose a single voice as the sole truth, considering everything else as “disinformation”. While this concept is far from ensuring true freedom of information, it does result in laws and restrictions, including on social media, blogs and platforms such as YouTube.

It is clear that this approach goes in the opposite direction to correct information. Only through information pluralism can we guarantee a free society, less vulnerable to the adoption of violent and authoritarian ideas, since, in general, when people have a range of choices, they tend to select the good, which is an innate aspect of their human being.

the journalist Andrea-Lucidi

The ‘case’ of the journalist Andrea Lucidi

Now, we come to the last very serious event that he reports a true dictatorship in progress, which begins by directly attacking people’s mindstrying to divert their critical capacity, influence their decisions, instill fears and anxieties, and create needs that are not at all essential for human beings.

A news story today clearly exemplifies what has been said. The episode is reported by the newspaper il FOGLIO which highlights it the embarrassment publicly expressed by Antonio Tajani regarding the Italian ambassador to Moscow, Giorgio Starace, who received the journalist Andrea Lucidi, known for his reporting from the Russian side.

The paper reports that the Italian Foreign Minister Tajani expressed his annoyance unequivocally, PUBLICLY denounced the incident and requested explanations from the ambassador regarding this meeting. The author of the piece comments “Pbecause the Italian ambassador in Moscow receiving a Putinist propagandist at the highest headquarters of our diplomatic representation in Russia is already a stumble that is difficult to tolerate. But the photo that portrays them together, Starace next to the Lazio reporter Andrea Lucidi, a pre-eminent voice of anti-Ukrainian disinformation, and which begins to spread on social media, and the controversies that ensued: really too much. “This is someone who called for the guillotine for Giorgia Meloni, and we pay homage to him like this?”, the Foreign Minister’s advisors blurt out”. The same newspaper also reports that “what sparked further controversy was a photo portraying Starace together with the Lazio journalist Andrea Lucidi, known for his promotion of an anti-Ukrainian narrative” (see larticle in the newspaper).

Ultimately, the article denounces the inconsistency between the ambassador’s action and the official Italian political line, emphasizing Tajani’s discomfort and embarrassment in the face of this situation. But this would be normal, except that this is not exactly what happened. There is no record that the Italian ambassador deviated from the Italian line.

What makes this matter particularly serious is that the fact that the journalist involved is, in fact, a journalist and that he is of Italian nationality seems to have been overlooked. Furthermore, the Italian ambassador, without prejudice to compliance with government directives, should retain the freedom to establish contact with anyone in the host country and try to maintain positive relations. This becomes even more significant when it comes to an Italian journalist.

Especially during a conflict in which relations are particularly tense, the task of diplomacy it should not be to heighten tensions, but to leave channels open which can be useful for reopening contacts after wars.

Even more worrying is the fact that the author of the article published in Il Foglio failed to investigate the reason for the meeting between Andrea Lucidi and the ambassador, a simple question to Lucidi could have provided clarity on the matter. Instead, the author chose to sensationalize the situation and denigrate the journalistlabeling it as ‘Putinian’ (according to its negative meaning, evidently) and referring to alleged communicable diseases.

Ultimately, in the entire text of the FOGLIO we do not perceive a minimum of reasonableness, what we perceive is only a desire to maintain a line which apparently is not clear even to the author of the article himself, who has become a mere executor and repeater of an illogical line that he doesn’t even feel the need to explain.

Italian newspapers should play the role of balancers in the political debate, avoiding emphasizing and exacerbating conflicts. In particular, in an era marked by global tensions and growing participation in international conflicts, the main task of information should be to promote the path towards peace. This is in line with the interest of the people, the principles of the Constitution and the will of the citizens. Journalism should never serve as a tool for war propaganda.



#case #Andrea #Lucidi #state #information #Italy

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