Zodiac sign Aries: This is how it works as a partner and single | Life & Knowledge

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2023-10-18 08:23:25

Love is a constant mystery… Astrology offers an exciting opportunity to shed light on our love life and look: How are we compatible?

Take a look at the stars to find out what makes the Aries zodiac sign tick in love. Read here which other zodiac signs Aries goes best with and which aspects play a role in relationships and in the bedroom.

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Data & Properties

★ Designation: Aries / Aries

★ Dates: from March 21st to April 20th

★ Typical characteristics: determined, courageous, open, impulsive, friendly

The Aries in love

The Aries in love is passionate and impulsive. As the first fire sign in the zodiac, Aries represents the exciting spark of beginnings. You are courageous, ambitious and full of curiosity and have no problem taking the first step.

He is fearless, dominant and adventurous. Aries are not afraid of a challenge when it comes to fighting for love. You are fearless and willing to take risks. They also like to take the lead and make decisions and are always ready for a new adventure.

Strong-willed, confrontational and honest. Due to their impulsive nature, Aries can easily get into conflicts. They are known for their honesty, sometimes even brutal. They say what they think and expect the same from their partner. However, this also makes them willing to address problems and find solutions.

What do Aries want in a relationship? Fire signs want to grow and develop in a partnership. They are looking for a partner who will inspire them and help them reach their full potential. To do this, the partner should be willing to try new things and challenge them intellectually and emotionally.

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Above all, respect and honesty are important to Aries. They prefer honest and open communication. You want a partner who is also willing to talk openly about feelings, concerns and desires.

Is an Aries romantic? Their impulsive nature often hides a romantic heart. Aries can be very loving and attentive and surprise their partner with loving gestures.

Can an Aries be faithful? They are known for their impulsiveness and adventurousness, which might give the impression that they can easily jump from one relationship to the next. But loyalty and loyalty are important values ​​for many Aries. They usually stick by their partners and stand by their side in good and bad times.

How jealous is Aries? The fire sign tends to fall in love quicker than other signs. If trust is not yet established, the impulsive Aries can quickly feel jealous. A stable and fulfilling relationship in which both partners respect each other can reduce the likelihood of jealousy.

Aries are adventurous and open to new experiences and experiments in bed

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How good is Aries in bed? Aries also likes his sex life to be passionate and varied. He loves trying new things together and speaks openly and directly about his sexual needs. Additionally, some Aries are also quite dominant in the bedroom and like to take the lead.

Which zodiac sign suits Aries best?

Aries is an energetic sign, and its element is fire for good reason. The perfect partner for the hothead is someone who keeps up with the Aries’ nature and can stand up to him if necessary.

Another fire sign, like Leo, goes well with Aries. Both love attention and can give each other admiration.

A water sign is unlikely to suit direct Aries. The way of communication is simply too brutal for sensitive signs like the fish.

But an air sign like Gemini can also complement Aries well. He is curious and versatile, which can appeal to Aries’ sense of adventure. Both signs are communicative and can have interesting conversations.

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The Aries woman in love

What is typical for an Aries woman? In love she is often passionate, energetic and determined. She sets ambitious goals and works hard to achieve them. She often acts in the moment. Surprising adventures and spontaneous gestures are not uncommon in their love relationship.

What do Aries women need? They love the passion and excitement in a relationship. The fire sign needs a partner who shares their enthusiasm and is ready to go on adventures. She also likes to be admired and appreciated. A partner who recognizes her strengths and respects them will make the Aries woman happy.

The Aries man in love

How does an Aries man show love? He shows love in a passionate and active way. He likes to make romantic gestures to show his love. This may include planning surprise dates, giving flowers, or writing loving messages.

Above all, he invests a lot of time and attention in the people who are important to him. He is ready to have conversations and spend time with his partner.

What kind of women does the Aries man like? He literally radiates with self-confidence and he also finds that attractive in his partner. Quick-wittedness, being confident in yourself and your abilities is attractive to the Aries man. But humor is also very important to him.

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The Aries as a single

Aries are naturally energetic and active. As single people, they often use their free time to try out new activities, pursue hobbies or play sports. They are also adventurous and love having new experiences. You are also willing to travel alone, explore new places and take on exciting challenges.

The single phase can be a time of self-discovery for Aries. They often reflect on their goals, values, and desires regarding relationships and life.

How does Aries flirt? Aries is a master at flirting. He is usually direct and blunt when he flirts. He likes to get to the point and express his interest clearly. He likes to give generous compliments and secretly enjoys embarrassing the other person.

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