Discover the details of the operation and history of the new hospital in the Santa Casa Complex

by time news

2023-10-18 00:46:40

O Nora Teixeira Hospital, which will be opened in Porto Alegre this Thursday at the Santa Casa Complex, it was planned focused on financial sustainability. The initial project, however, was born from the need for a new emergency dedicated to users of the Unified Health System (SUS). A visit by Nora Teixeira to the site gave rise to the challenge, presented by the businesswoman to the institution’s board, of building a restructuring project. Nora’s husband, businessman Alexandre Grendene committed to the initial investment of R$40 million in the project.

Given the SUS deficit, Santa Casa considered a more ambitious project, not only resolving the Emergency sector, but also focusing on the sustainability of the SUS in the institution in the long term. With the direct support of the project’s initial promoters, Nora and Alexandre, other families, institutions, companies and the State Government joined the cause. The Grendene couple doubled the value of the donation, bringing the amount to R$80 million. In total, donations totaled more than R$234 million. The total cost of building the new hospital cost R$284 million. Care for private patients and health insurance plans will generate revenues considered essential for addressing the deficit generated by SUS care, currently around R$150 million per year.

Of the total of more than 1 million annual services provided by Santa Casa de Porto Alegre, 71% are via SUS. The restructuring and modernization of the complex’s internal accesses will also be inaugurated, with Rua Coberta and a new system of walkways, connecting all hospital units.

• The hospital in detail

The hospitalization floors have modern architectural and technological resources. Hospital beds have a fall warning device and an alert sensor at the nursing station. The recliners are electronic and the bathrooms are equipped with special bath chairs and adapted for all types of mobility difficulties. Food service is carried out using a thermal cart.

The ICU has a 360º suspended panel system in all beds for greater safety, mobility and agility in carrying out routine procedures and exams. It is possible to perform ultrasounds at the bedside, avoiding moving the patient. A portable ceiling lift system allows patient transfers to be carried out by just one professional. The unit also has two physiotherapy robotic rehabilitation rooms and a telemetry system, technology that allows measurement of vital parameters from a long distance.

The medication process is carried out using robotics and cutting-edge technology, which integrates the hospital pharmacy on all floors. Electronic dispensaries are used and the entire system is supplied by the Supply Center, which has a robotic warehouse, the miniload, unprecedented equipment in the country in the hospital segment.

The Oncology Center has a unique system in the south of the country that allows 2D or 3D biopsies to be performed, through tomosynthesis, which improves the definition, precision and time of the exam, in addition to considerably reducing exposure to radiation. It also has state-of-the-art radiography and ultrasound systems, as well as a capillary cooling system.

In the maternity ward, the rooms are PPP (pre-partum, birth and post-partum) with an individualized environment and hydrotherapy systems, chromotherapy, pilates balls and non-pharmacological methods of pain relief and immediate care in case of complications.

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