Cardiovascular risk increases during menopause

by time news

2023-10-18 08:38:20

Before menopause, which is celebrated on October 18 as World Day, in perimenopause, women already begin to suffer a series of metabolic endocrine changes, which can deteriorate their quality of life at many levels and increase certain risk factors for disease. cardiovascular.

Hot flashes and insomnia may already appear, in fact, as he assures, in statements to EFEsalud, gynecologist Silvia P González, member of the board of directors of the Spanish Association for the Study of Menopause (AEEM)this last symptom deteriorates the quality of life “much more” than the increase in body temperature.

“And certain cardiovascular risk factors begin to increase, above all, there is a tendency for a worsening of the cholesterolof the lipid profile since it increases blood sugarglycemia,” explains González.

The increase in blood pressure that occurs seems to be more related to age itself than to the drop in hormones, according to the gynecologist, and the risk of obesity is also increased. Women begin to generate abdominal fat, they begin to “lose” their waist.

The arrival of menopause

And with the definitive withdrawal of the period, the symptoms increase: “It is very clear that the cardiovascular risk increases with menopause,” points out the gynecologist.

In this sense, he points out that the data from both the Spanish Society of Cardiology and the National Institute of Statistics on cardiovascular accidents in women before menopause are “almost insignificant” because “estrogens are very protective.”

However, after menopause, deaths from cardiovascular disease “skyrocket.” The graphs begin to rise “almost exponentially.”

“In fact, something that people don’t know is that women aged 53 or 54 die more from cardiovascular disease than, for example, from breast cancer,” the expert points out.


And the causes are those already mentioned, the rise in cholesterol, mainly and sugar, which means that there is a greater risk that women at that stage will develop type 2 diabetes, especially those who have a family history or who became pregnant during pregnancy. diabetics.

“So, if you add to this a sedentary lifestyle, toxic habits such as tobacco and a bad family inheritance, then you are a ticking bomb,” says González, who is also clinical head of the Menopause and Osteoporosis Unit at HM Cabinet Velázquez, of Madrid.

EFE/ Atienza

Thus, the situation in terms of cardiovascular health, but also bone health, due to osteoporosis, at this stage of the woman is fundamentally defined by two factors: heredity, that is, what is already determined genetically, and it also depends a lot on the lifestyle you lead.

“I may have an inheritance of high cholesterol in my family of type 2 diabetes, that is, cardiovascular risk factors, and if I follow healthy lifestyles, I will be able to reduce this inherited high risk that I have a little bit,” explains the AEEM expert.

However, the doctor clarifies, there are other factors that can lead to a cardiovascular event in menopause, in short, “it is a sum of a whole.”

Modify the path

And is there time in the years leading up to menopause to try to reduce risks? Although at the moment there is nothing to stop the ovary from producing eggs, you can try to prevent the dangers at this stage from being minor: Lead a healthy life.

From the gynecology consultation, professionals address matters related to prevention, in the “immense majority” of cases. And if the woman has an established health problem, she is referred to the appropriate specialists.

There are signs that are easy to determine with an analysis and also by observing if abdominal fat increases, among others.

How can hormonal treatments influence?

Hormonal treatment, which replaces hormones that the ovary no longer produces, helps reduce cardiovascular risk, among others.

Regarding this, the doctor highlights that although these therapies have a preventive function for cardiovascular health and also osteoporosis, the indication to prescribe them, as stated in the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (Aemps), is in the event of symptomatology. of intense menopause that deteriorates the quality of life.

The two ovaries of the woman, by Pedro Pablo García May. EFE

“Then it will prevent cardiovascular risk or the risk of osteoporosis, but as an added advantage, not as a reason,” says González.

With this clarification, the expert comments that if these therapies are started early, they will be preventive; however, if they are indicated late, when the woman already has damaged vessels or has suffered a stroke or heart attack, they are counterproductive.

Some of these treatments are prescribed already in perimenopause. And they can be maintained for as long as the benefits of following it outweigh the risks.

“Now there is not so much talk about time limits. You have to individualize a lot. It depends on each woman,” clarifies the gynecologist, who adds that it begins by adjusting the hormonal dose to the minimum effective in order to improve the woman’s quality of life.

A menopause as bearable as possible

According to the expert, to lead a good quality of life at this stage, there is no “great mystery” because the keys are quite similar to those of other vital periods.

As for bones, women who begin menopause have to take more calcium and physical exercises must be adapted a little more to this phase.

To try to stop abdominal fat and weight gain, it is essential to eat a healthy diet. If, for example, a woman has a lot of hot flashes, she should avoid spicy foods or hot drinks.

“There are lifestyle modifications that are useful for everything,” says the expert. la AEEM.

#Cardiovascular #risk #increases #menopause

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