The explosion in Gaza was only a matter of time

by time news

2023-10-14 02:22:39

Nostradamus, a Jewish convert by trade as an apothecary who in the 16th century convinced thousands of his contemporaries to be able to see into the future, mentioned among his predictions that World War III will begin in Jerusalem.

The scholars of the quatrains in which he expressed his omens in the Provençal language assure that many have come true, but, if so, in the case of the next planetary conflagration it may have failed by hundreds of kilometers because the war has already begun, but in the Gaza Strip, hundreds of kilometers west of the city that Muslims call Al Quds.

Almost a week after the paroxysm of hostilities between the Israeli Army, one of the most powerful in the world, as it possesses nuclear weapons—courtesy of France and the complicit American acquiescence—and members of the Hamas organizations (Fervor, in Arabic) and Islamic Jihad, misrepresentations are raining down on that conflict.

The first is to consider that the incursion of Palestinian militiamen on October 7 was the trigger for the conflict: the conflagration has been burning for 75 years, since the beginning of the Israeli military occupation.

And it has gotten worse in the last 17 years, during which Gazans are the target of air and artillery attacks from Tel Aviv, which uses that territory as a testing ground for its military tactics.

Successive Israeli governments also do not hesitate to plan and carry out selective assassinations of Hamas leaders, among them that of Ahmed Yasin, spiritual leader of that organization, who, shortly before dying under Israeli bombs, in March 2004, made a prophetic statement:

“The resistance will continue until we achieve victory or become martyrs… (…) We will teach Israel an unforgettable lesson.”

Even earlier, in September 1997, six Mossad political assassination specialists, authorized by then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, traveled to Jordan to assassinate Hamas political leader Khalked Meshaal, two of whom sprayed him with a dose of fentanyl. , while four served as support for the escape.

Although the action was completed, the evacuation of the executors was prevented by Meshaal’s bodyguards, who managed to capture two of the members of the commando.

From that moment on, the entire plan became a political scandal that reached crisis point when the then King of Jordan, Hussein, warned Netanyahu that if Meshaal died, he would execute the two captured Israelis by hanging.

The magnitude of the problem advised the Israeli Prime Minister to bite the bullet and hastily send the antidote to Jordan.

These two cases are just a sample of the virulence with which the Tel Aviv authorities of all stripes act against the strip of Palestinian territory, covered in systematic cruelty of a scientific nature against the Gazan population.

It is a widespread error to believe that German Nazis were the inventors of concentration camps. In reality, these facilities arose in what is now South Africa during the Anglo-Boer War between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, designed by the British to imprison their Dutch adversaries.

The experience would be replicated at the end of the 19th century by a Spanish military governor on the island of Cuba, Valeriano Weyler, sent to the Caribbean island in 1896 to put out the independence fire started the previous year and preserve the last jewel of the Iberian Crown in America. Latina.

Universally accepted data put the population of rural Cuban areas reconcentrated by order of Weyler at 400,000, of which 25 percent, about 100,000, died of starvation and disease.

In the middle of the last century, the concept of eliminating opponents reached its peak in Nazi Germany with the creation of concentration camps where millions of Jews, Slavs, Catholics, communists, gypsies, and homosexuals were murdered in the paroxysm of their theory of superior race destined to rule the world.

After the victory of the allies, the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom, in World War II, it seemed that that nightmare would not torment humanity again.

Paradoxical as it may seem, Israel would replay the drama in the real world seven decades later in the Gaza Strip with the support of the United States and Europe.

The confinement camps, on this occasion, would have the added value that the concentrates, in addition to being well located and ready for their holocaust, would produce economic profits.

Among the questions that one of the trials that Tel Aviv is carrying out in Gaza tries to answer is: is it possible to force an entire human community to submit to a foreign occupation through hunger?

Suggestive question, so much so that the governments of Israel and the United States, in collaboration with Europe, are carrying out a rigorous scientific experiment aimed at obtaining a definitive answer.

The procedure began with the withdrawal in the second half of August 2005 of the Zionist settlements in the Palestinian strip, ordered by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and the closing of all entrances and exits with a blockade by air, sea and land, in addition of the subordination of the Palestinian economy to the government structure of Tel Aviv.

Among the main sources of income for the Palestinians are customs taxes on their imports and exports, which, in theory, are collected by Israeli customs to transfer them to those of the National Authority.

Such a process does not always reach the stipulated term; The Israeli government frequently seizes these funds and appropriates them under the pretext of preventing them from going into the hands of terrorists.

To review the persistent attacks that some press describes as “offensives” by the powerful Israeli army against Gaza with its aftermath of death and destruction of civilian facilities and residences, would be to repeat news that due to daily occurrence has ceased to attract attention.

It is in this context of impunity by the Zionist government for its actions in Gaza and the West Bank, its territorial expansion and vandalism, that the events of October 7 occurred.

Seen from the most dispassionate perspective, it was only a matter of time before the situation reached critical point, as it did.

Taken from Prensa Latina

Cover photo: Taken from Reuters

#explosion #Gaza #matter #time

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