Advice, but of what kind?

by time news

2023-10-18 12:19:24

OPEN LETTER – As far back as I can remember, consulting the doctor has always been a moment mixed with worries and expectations, invariably ending with a feeling of relief. I had been taken care of, listened to, reassured, then treated.

I am 74 years old and, despite everything, aware that medicine is not an exact science but “an art at the crossroads of several sciences”, I have always had great confidence in the entire medical profession. Always… Until three years ago, when this confidence gradually turned into distrust, becoming a real fear today, that of falling ill and having to rely on the practitioners of this new form of medicine that they impose on us, despite the aversion it inspires in us.

This fear is strongly rekindled by the appearance, during the COM disciplinary course, of the very people who, for me as for many others, were a beacon in the storm at the moment when we were all beginning to despair, helplessly witnessing the shipwreck. of our health system. So how can we not lose confidence when the only doctors who dared to alert us and invoke the precautionary principle for the benefit of patients, putting their status at risk at the risk of compromising their career, are being prosecuted by the Councils of the Order?

Conversely, how can we have confidence when doctors, scientific authorities and institutions responsible for public health affirm what the manufacturing laboratories themselves cannot guarantee? You don’t need to have done 10 years of study to know that no one can attest to the safety of a new treatment in the testing phase, and even less so in the medium or long term. This is the most basic common sense and the first principle of precaution. This argument alone is enough to arouse the greatest caution. First reason to be wary.

Three years ago, a leaden screed fell on our society, prohibiting all debate, censoring all words that do not conform to official doxa. The mainstream media have sowed fear, churning out the same alarming speeches all day long, showing the same frightening images over and over again, completely out of step with what each of us could see around them, or with the official figures accessible to all. (but which no one took the trouble to check) which had nothing of the end of the world scenario depicted by this media propaganda. Second reason to be wary.

Treatments proven for decades on billions of patients around the world were suddenly classified as dangerous, doctors were prohibited from treating while we were told “at war against a deadly virus”wearing a mask outdoors became compulsory after being declared dangerous (and despite the mention “Does not protect against viruses” written on the packaging), etc., etc. The list of these absurd and contradictory injunctions is far too long to list them all here, we have all suffered them. Third reason to be wary.

We witnessed all the transgressions, the progressive inversion of all values, our elders were locked up until they no longer wanted to live, some left without being able to be accompanied by their loved ones, the patients were sorted, bans were placed on them. access to hospitals to patients, prosecuted doctors because, in compliance with the Hippocratic oath and the code of ethics, they had prescribed treatments that they considered most appropriate for their patients. The precautionary principle, a rule hitherto sacrosanct in matters of health, has been flouted with the large-scale marketing, at the experimental stage, of “vaccines” of a new type, the subject of a campaign of incentive never seen before. All questions of ethics have been evacuated, going so far as to deny health professionals the most basic rights of every human being, the right to work (enshrined in the Constitution), the right to refuse treatment and the right to free and informed consent. Faced with such aberrations, who can still have confidence in this practice of medicine, and in all those who imposed these measures or who relayed them?

However, almost all of the doctors did not move, the Council of the order did not oppose, all endorsed these shameful measures. All except a few and those are the ones who are pilloried.

We are all concerned, because it is our entire health system that is at stake and the lost trust will not be regained, except by placing the doctor at the center of the health system.

At a time when our most fundamental values ​​are perverted, what is the doctor’s first duty? Does he first owe allegiance to an order which would impose silence on him (caste spirit)? Does he owe unconditional obedience to orders, even if they are contrary to his code of ethics? Or should he speak and open the debate? What does the patient’s free and informed consent mean if the doctor must remain silent?

When members of the government, scientific or medical authorities, representatives of health institutions assure that new “vaccines”, still in the testing phase, are safe, effective and without side effects, it is a pure lie, because nothing can support such certainty. The role of the doctor is not to peddle it. On the contrary, it is to enlighten patients accordingly (free and informed consent), then to evaluate the individual benefit/risk factor on a case-by-case basis.

The Council of the order ensures the maintenance of the principles of morality, probity, competence and dedication essential to the practice of medicine, but to what end, and for whom? It is for us, simple citizens, patients and future patients, that the practice of medicine must be irreproachable. Compliance with the code of ethics is assessed based on in the interest of patients, and what is the interest of patients here? To be reassured by lies or to be informed of the possible risks of a new treatment?

For us, citizens, patients and future patients, the answer is unambiguous and all those whom the Councils of the Order have condemned in recent months, or whom they are still indicting in what very much resembles a witch hunt, are those who rebelled against this drift in our health system, which in their soul and conscience they could not support. We, citizens, patients and future patients, ask our doctors to inform us and enlighten us in complete independence, free from any conflict of interest and any pressure, whether administrative, state or corporate ( art. 5 and 36 of the code in particular). This is the absolute condition for the lost confidence in the medical profession to have a chance of one day being reestablished.

A year ago the disciplinary chamber of the COM ruled in favor of Professor Perronne, considering that as “specialist internationally recognized as an expert (…), he spoke in the press on government action and on the pharmaceutical industry, as he was legitimate to do and even had the obligation to do so in this area which fell within its competence. But wouldn’t the doctor who is not recognized as an expert have the same duty, when false statements are widely disseminated in the community, in flagrant violation of the code of ethics?

Every day more of us understand that we have been deceived, manipulated by messages constantly bombarded under the pretext of health information, but which are more akin to advertising slogans intended to market a product. Is this medicine? Is the role of the doctor to be the guarantor of a “health policy” rehashed like a dogma or to express the reservations that he considers justified in the interest of patients?

We are not fooled by the real issues, but the power of lobbies is considerable and omnipresent, like that of the mass media. How long will it take for the truth to emerge? No one knows but it always ends up triumphing, it will perhaps come from abroad, France cannot remain eternally isolated in lies. The building is already cracking on all sides, the ineffectiveness of these mRNA Covid “vaccines” is no longer questionable, the unfair clauses in supplier contracts are finally revealed, almost everywhere in the world serious adverse effects can no longer be be denied, etc.

All this had been known for a long time, it was enough to find out. Very few did it, they raised the alarm, they are today in the dock. On the other hand, all those who, doctors on TV sets (and even in the highest echelons of the State), have broken the rules of ethics, lied to us and continue to lie to us, all of these are not worried. Therefore, many of us are wondering: what order or orders are these? The judgment that you will render in the coming days will unequivocally answer this question.

Perhaps then the Council of the Order will finally bring all the doctors to disciplinary proceedings. who violated article 14 of the code of ethics by speaking publicly, advocating vaccination for all with a new treatment “insufficiently tested”, including for pregnant women and even making it compulsory in certain professions? Only then can trust be established again between citizens, patients and future patients, and the entire medical profession.

Dr. Louis Fouché’s commitment to defending this beautiful medicine of humanity and compassion which gave us faith in medicine from childhood has made him an emblematic character. The judgment you render against him will have a strong symbolic value.

In the light of History, with a capital H, these last three years will undoubtedly go down as a period of great unrest and change in our society, having shaken the most sacred and noble foundations of medicine. In the judgment of History, on which scale will you be, the one who reinforced distrust or the one who restored confidence in medicine?

Jean-Louis, artist-photographer, is the founder of the Les Essentiels collective which has been helping suspended and non-reinstated caregivers in need since 2021.

#Advice #kind

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