Five people arrested for “selling” a minor in Alzira and forcing her into prostitution in Níjar

by time news

2023-10-18 22:43:16

Five people between 24 and 51 years old have been arrested by the Civil Guard accused of recruiting a minor through social networks, who was “sold” by her own parents in Alzira (Valencia) and then forced by her captors to prostitute herself in a shanty settlement in Níjar (Almería).

As reported this Wednesday by the Civil Guard in a statement, the first three detainees in the so-called Red-Rom operation are a 24-year-old young man and his parents, aged 47 and 51, to whom crimes of trafficking in human beings for of forced marriage, induction into prostitution, sexual exploitation and injuries within the scope of the Comprehensive Law against Gender Violence.

The operation began at the beginning of this summer, upon becoming aware of the case of a minor prostituted in a shanty settlement in the Almería municipality of Níjar, apparently forced by her partner.

Once the minor was located in “totally deplorable and practically begging” conditions of health and hygiene, she was transferred to a child protection center. Investigations were then begun to identify the people who had taken her to that place and to find out and locate the minor’s family of origin.

The civil guards confirmed that the minor lived in Valencia until the end of last year and that, after being contacted through social networks by a person and gaining her trust, her “captors” moved there.

An alleged ‘wedding’ in exchange for 2,000 euros

Once they contacted the minor’s parents, they carried out a financial transaction for a supposed “wedding” in exchange for 2,000 euros. The minor was then transferred to Almería where, once in the shanty settlement of Níjar, she was forced into prostitution by the person she was supposed to be her husband.

The armed institute has detailed that the “clients” went to look for her in the shack itself in the presence of the boyfriend, always in exchange for a certain financial amount that he received.

The investigation has also gathered details about the situation in which the minor found herself with respect to her alleged partner, activities of narcotic substance consumption, as well as the mechanisms to keep her “totally linked” to this person with different procedures, “some of them “aggressive character.”

Once the sentimental partner of the minor and her captors were identified, at the end of last August the boyfriend and his parents were arrested as alleged perpetrators of the crime of human trafficking.

Furthermore, during the second phase of the investigation, the Civil Guard of Valencia, in the town of Alzira, also arrested the parents of the minor, aged 37 and 41, for the “sale” of their own daughter, for which they are accused. also the crime of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of forced marriage.

The detainees were placed at the disposal of the courts of Almería and Alzira, while the piece corresponding to gender violence was left in the hands of the Court of Violence against Women 1 of Almería.

#people #arrested #selling #minor #Alzira #forcing #prostitution #Níjar

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