AFESA receives the ‘Ana Casanueva’ 2023 award

by time news

2023-10-19 11:46:55

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[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2023-10-19 11:46:55
[post_date_gmt] => 2023-10-19 09:46:55
[post_content] => [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The event was chaired by the rector of the University of Oviedo, Ignacio Villaverdeand was attended by Carlos Casanueva Varaspresident of Inter-Protección, Carlos Fernandez Colladopresident of ASICOM and, Alfredo Cantelimayor of Oviedo. Daniel Pedro Rodríguezas president of AFESA, was in charge of collecting the award.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”5/12″][vc_single_image image=”98123″ img_size=”full” add_caption=”yes” onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”7/12″][vc_column_text]The Ana Casanueva Award aims to recognize the work of non-governmental organizations, private assistance institutions, foundations, civil associations and non-profit organizations that operate in the Principality of Asturias. In its ruling, the award jury wanted to recognize AFESA’s commitment to “a community model of care for people with mental health problems, offering a series of programs and activities that aim to facilitate the inclusion, rehabilitation and reintegration of the group.” , promoting their autonomy and offering support to their families and loved ones.” For this reason, AFESA Salud Mental Asturias will receive 50,000 euros. The president of AFESA Mental Health Asturias, Daniel Pedro Rodríguez, thanked the entity for this recognition on behalf of all the associated people, people with their own experience in mental health, family members and close friends, the Boards of Directors, the professional team, volunteers and all those people who They make use of the programs launched by the association. On behalf of all of them and “with great pride and humility” an award was received that also recognized a career of more than 30 years of work in the defense and promotion of the rights of people with mental health problems, their families and environment. . As a representation of all of them, Daniel was accompanied by Elena Iglesiasmember of the AFESA Mental Health in First Person Committee and member of the State Network of Women of the CONfederation SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_btn title=”VOLVER A NOTICIAS” style=”gradient-custom” gradient_custom_color_1=”#ffffff” gradient_custom_color_2=”#ffffff” gradient_text_color=”#005b50″ shape=”square” align=”center” i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-chevron-circle-left” add_icon=”true” link=”url:%2Fnoticias%2F|title:NOTICIAS||”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[post_title] => AFESA receives the ‘Ana Casanueva’ 2023 award
[post_excerpt] => AFESA Salud Mental Asturias received, on Thursday, October 5, the ‘Ana Casanueva’ 2023 award, in a ceremony that took place in the Chapel of the Historical Building of the University of Oviedo.
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[post_modified] => 2023-10-19 11:48:09
[post_modified_gmt] => 2023-10-19 09:48:09
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AFESA receives the ‘Ana Casanueva’ 2023 award

AFESA Salud Mental Asturias received, on Thursday, October 5, the ‘Ana Casanueva’ 2023 award, in a ceremony that took place in the Chapel of the Historical Building of the University of Oviedo.

The event was chaired by the rector of the University of Oviedo, Ignacio Villaverdeand was attended by Carlos Casanueva Varaspresident of Inter-Protección, Carlos Fernandez Colladopresident of ASICOM and, Alfredo Cantelimayor of Oviedo. Daniel Pedro Rodríguezas president of AFESA, was in charge of collecting the award.

Photography by Álex Piña, El Comercio.

The Ana Casanueva Award aims to recognize the work of non-governmental organizations, private assistance institutions, foundations, civil associations and non-profit organizations that operate in the Principality of Asturias.

In its ruling, the award jury wanted to recognize AFESA’s commitment to “a community model of care for people with mental health problems, offering a series of programs and activities that aim to facilitate the inclusion, rehabilitation and reintegration of the group.” , promoting their autonomy and offering support to their families and loved ones.” For this reason, AFESA Salud Mental Asturias will receive 50,000 euros.

The president of AFESA Mental Health Asturias, Daniel Pedro Rodríguez, thanked the entity for this recognition on behalf of all the associated people, people with their own experience in mental health, family members and close friends, the Boards of Directors, the professional team, volunteers and all those people who They make use of the programs launched by the association. On behalf of all of them and “with great pride and humility” an award was received that also recognized a career of more than 30 years of work in the defense and promotion of the rights of people with mental health problems, their families and environment. . As a representation of all of them, Daniel was accompanied by Elena Iglesiasmember of the AFESA Mental Health in First Person Committee and member of the State Network of Women of the CONfederation SALUD MENTAL ESPAÑA.

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