The European Parliament calls for a “humanitarian pause” in the conflict in the Middle East

by time news

2023-10-19 16:54:47

He European Parliament (PE) condemned this Thursday the attacks in Israel of the armed wing of Hamas and called for the “elimination” of this terrorist groupwhile claiming a “humanitarian pause“in the conflict and insisted Tel Aviv in that their response in self-defense must “strictly comply with International Humanitarian Law.” Approved with 500 votes in favor, 21 against and 24 abstentions, the text warns of a “risk that the attacks by the terrorist group Hamas and the Israeli response lead to a reinforcement of the cycle of violence in the region” and also condemns the attack Tuesday against the Hospital Al Ahly of Gaza, whose authorship calls for an investigation so that those responsible are held accountable.

The initial draft of the text neither included condemnation of the attack on the hospital – which took place when the first version of the resolution had already been negotiated and entered through an amendment – nor the request for a humanitarian pause in the conflict, which the Belgian liberal Hilde Vautmans moved through several oral amendments during the voting session. “I want this house to be united and vote with a strong voice. Our member states asked for a humanitarian pause at the United Nations yesterday (…). We are only asking for a humanitarian pause, who can oppose that?” Vautmans stressed. .

Initially, several dozen deputies opposed including the reference to a humanitarian pause, but the vice president who was leading the voting session gave a break of several minutes so that the groups could talk to each other. After that stop, The mention of the humanitarian pause in the text passed by a majority. Dozens of amendments were left along the way, including one that went beyond the humanitarian pause and called for a ceasefire in the area, which did not gain sufficient support.

The European Parliament’s text combines the support of a majority of Spanish MEPs except for Sira Rego (IU), Miguel Urbán (Anticapitalistas), Idoia Villanueva (Vamos), Ana Miranda (BNG) and Ernest Urtasun (MEP for Catalunya en Comú and spokesperson of Sumar), who voted against, as well as Diana Riba (ERC), who abstained. “The humanitarian pause does not exist in International Law. The European Parliament should have supported the efforts and calls of the Secretary General of the United Nations and today it has not done so. It seems to me that it was totally insufficient (…) and for me, Without a ceasefire, the text was not up to par,” Urtasun explained to EFE after the vote.

The agreed text

The EP text “recognizes Israel’s right to self-defense enshrined and limited by International Law” and points out that “Israel’s actions must strictly comply with International Humanitarian Law.” The MEPs “condemn in the strongest possible terms” the terrorist attacks perpetrated against Israel and insist on the “need to eliminate to the terrorist organization Hamas”, while urging the release of the hostages and the return of the bodies of those kidnapped who have been murdered. The text also calls for those responsible for the terrorist attacks and violations of the international law “account for their actions”, without reference to any specific perpetrator. “Attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure, including UN workers, medical personnel and journalists, is a serious violation of International Law,” the resolution reads. .

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Parliament is also concerned about the “rapidly deteriorating humanitarian situation” in the Gaza Strip and urges opening channels to provide humanitarian aid to civilians in this territory, as well as for the international community to increase its assistance in the area. The deputies also recall their “unwavering support” for the two-state solution and ask community diplomacy and EU governments to “launch a European initiative to get back on track” of this solution to the conflict.

Sumar’s proposals

Urtasun criticized the text agreed upon by the European Parliament for not living up to the political positioning maintained with the invasion of Ukraine, for example, which means Europe’s lack of credibility among the rest of the countries in the world. Urtasun has advocated “increasing diplomatic pressure” on Israel instead of suspending relations with this country, as the leader of Podemos Ione Belarra has demanded, and has shown himself in favor of applying individual sanctions to military officials in this country for “crimes.” “committed in Gaza. In statements to ‘La Sexta, collected by Europa Press, he stated that European countries should be “more forceful” when demanding that Israel, as a result of this conflict, respect the framework of international law. “We believe that at this time we must increase diplomatic pressure towards Israel,” she said when asked whether or not she shares the position of the Minister of Social Rights, who yesterday urged the socialist wing of the Executive to suspend contacts with Israel. And to “escalate” that pressure, Urtasun has claimed that immediate action is prohibit community countries from continuing to sell weapons to Israelsince now it would imply contravening the Arms Trade Treaty (since it is now a conflict zone).

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