“Looking for an excuse to invade”; The reason for the Russia-Ukraine tension

by time news
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“Russia is preparing its saboteurs and looking for an excuse to invade Ukraine” This is the assessment of a US intelligence report, which expresses grave concern about a possible invasion of Russia into the territory of its neighbor to the west – Ukraine.

Why does Russia want to invade?

As is well known, Ukraine was for decades an integral part of Soviet Russia, which is the Soviet Union. For years after the break-up of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was relatively close to Russia, not only geographically but also culturally and economically.

Over time, Ukraine undergoes a process of rapprochement with its other neighbors – EU countries. Russian President Putin does not like this rapprochement with the West, and this has led and continues to lead to tensions between the two countries.

According to intelligence reports, some 100,000 Russian fighters are on alert for a possible invasion of Ukraine. A number of EU foreign ministers say the risk of war between Russia and Ukraine is greatest in three decades.

Western concern has also led to talks that have taken place over a period of time between Western countries and Putin’s Russia. Talks between the parties exploded, along with claims by Russian officials that there was no plan to invade Ukraine. In contrast, Russian President Putin did hint and say that “there may be appropriate technical retaliatory measures.”

The talks came to a dead end, among other things, after a number of telephone conversations between President Putin and President Biden. The United States has said Russia has not provided sufficient evidence that it will not invade its western neighbor.

For example, yesterday the US Secretary of State was interviewed by the British Sky News network and said that “the Russians are only looking for an excuse to invade.” She added that “the United States will not lend a hand in changing international borders by force.”

Putin’s list of demands

Russian President Vladimir Putin has made a long list of demands during talks with the West, including a demand that the NATO alliance no longer expand toward Russia.

Putin’s representative even approached us during the talks and claimed that the US was to blame for some of the tensions. The Russians further claimed that the West was refueling the Ukrainians with weapons and military equipment. They (the West) think we should sit idly by, “said Russian President Putin.

NATO’s military alliance has refused many demands from Russian President Putin, effectively leading to an explosion of talks between the parties.

“We will not allow anyone to close the open door policy proposed by NATO,” said U.S. Secretary of State Woodney Sherman.

Putin’s demands have angered many countries, especially Eastern European countries from which Putin demanded the withdrawal of NATO forces, which in fact protect them.

Will the West militarily defend Ukraine?

As mentioned, according to various intelligence sources around the world, a Russian invasion of Ukrainian territory is only a matter of time. If so, the question arises, in the event of an invasion, to what extent the West will assist in the war to contain Russia.

U.S. President Joe Biden has previously threatened Russian President Putin that if he invades Ukrainian territory, the United States will take steps he “has never seen.”

Other countries have also argued that they will assist Ukraine in the event of a breach of its legal sovereignty by Russia, some with the help of imposing sanctions and some with military aid. time will tell.

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