For 52% of entrepreneurs, profitability will decrease in 2024

by time news

2023-10-19 21:30:14

The study carried out by Vistage Argentina corresponding to the third quarter of 2023, they participated 327 entrepreneurs, senior executives and business owners, who shared their experiences and opinions about the economic situation. They were also consulted about estimates for next year regarding the development of their businesses and the profitability of the companies, among other axes.

“In this new edition of Business Confidence Index, and a few days before the general elections, the fears of the productive sector about the economic situation and the scenario for 2024 are crystallizing. And the reality is that the context validates these concerns. “We will have to analyze whether in the last quarter of the year, with the certainty of who will be the next president of the Nation, business confidence can be strengthened based on the new economic proposals,” he stated. Guadalupe San MartinCEO of Vistage Argentina.

Regarding the behavior of the economy compared to a year ago, 93% consider that the economy worsened, other 6% think that it remained unchanged and only 1% that it improved. Meanwhile, for the next 12 months, 59% say that the scenario will worsen; 22%, which will be the same; and 19%, that it will improve. On the other hand, pay attention to the profitability of their companies for next year, 52% estimate that it will decrease; 33% believe it will remain the same and the remaining 15% predict it will increase.

Meanwhile, aboutthe prices of the products/services that sells, 69% of business owners predict that they will increase in the next 12 months. 19% consider that they will remain and 12% that they will decrease. Billing for next year was also one of the axes of the Index: 50% respond that it will increase; 27%, which will remain the same; and 23%, which will be reduced.

Consulted by Vistage about The problems companies face todayalmost half of business leaders point out that it is the economic uncertainty (47%). They also observe problems linked to higher costs of energy, raw materials, salaries, etc. (fifteen%) and linked to find, conhiring, retaining or training staff (15%); followed by financial issues such as financing, cash flow, profitability (12%); growth too slow or too fast (6%); or other types of problems (5%).

For the Business Confidence Index for the third quarter of 2023, the special questions linked to the electoral process that the country is going through were maintained. For this reason, when asked about the progress of the economy for 2024, taking into account the presidential candidates already confirmed, 44% are optimistic, he 29% estimate that the economic situation will remain unchanged and the 27% are more pessimistic.

Finally, when asked about how they prepare to enter the period from the heritage point of viewhe 49% respond that they will do so by dollarizing; 45% estimate to make with a mix of pesos and dollars; 4%, using weights adjusted by CER; and 2%, with a fixed term.

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