New breast cancer technology in the Dominican Republic

by time news

2023-10-20 10:27:30

The Dominican Republic will have a new technology that will accelerate the diagnosis of patients suffering from breast cancer. Yesterday, October 19, World Day against this tumor was commemorated.

General photograph of the launch of breast cancer immunohistochemistry studies, at the National Cancer Institute (Incart), on October 18, 2023, in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic). The Dominican Republic, where breast cancer is considered extremely “sensitive” with more than 3,000 cases a year, will have innovative technology that will accelerate the diagnosis of patients who suffer from it, for more timely care and in less time. EFE/Orlando Barria

The Dominican Republic, where breast cancer is considered extremely “sensitive” with more than 3,000 cases a year, will have innovative technology that will accelerate the diagnosis of patients who suffer from it, for more timely care and in less time.

This new solution, which will increase the local capacity of the Caribbean country in the treatment of this disease, arises from an alliance between the Rosa Emilia Sánchez Pérez de Tavares National Cancer Institute (Incart) and the Swiss pharmaceutical multinational Roche.

It is essentially the implementation of a diagnostic technology at the Incart Pathology Center to carry out immunohistochemical tests in the country (a laboratory method with which diseases such as cancer or its type), which will save time when obtaining diagnostic results.

The goal is to positively impact the cure of breast cancer through the implementation of care models focused on the early detection and timely treatment of this disease, considering that in the Dominican Republic “65% of patients are diagnosed in stages. “advanced,” as reported in a statement by Incart and Roche, with whom EFE maintains an oncology awareness agreement.

Incart modernizes breast cancer diagnosis

“We are the first public institution to achieve this service in which we will offer immunohistochemical tests, initially for patients with breast cancer, which will allow them to have access to faster and more timely treatment,” Mariel Pacheco, manager of the Center, told EFE. of Pathological Anatomy of the Incart.

Pacheco explained that the intention is to be able to “perform these techniques and these diagnoses here in our institution,” since until now they were sent to the United States or to local private laboratories.

This will result in a “decrease in the delivery time of results, so that the patient will then be able to access their treatments much faster,” Pacheco said.

So far, Pacheco explained, the results are delivered “in about 20, 25 days” when they are sent abroad, but he pointed out that “at the moment we hope to have them in much shorter times (…), in a third of what that we are offering at the moment.”

According to data from the Global Cancer Observatory, in 2020, 3,412 new cases were diagnosed in the Dominican Republic and 1,577 people died from this disease, and forecasts indicate that by 2040 the figure will exceed 5,000 new cases.


Álvaro Soto, general manager of Roche for Central America, the Caribbean and Venezuela, told EFE that particularly in oncology they are clear that the objective is to be able to treat cancer “as early as possible, to cure the patient in the cases we can.” .

In that sense, Soto stated that now with the installation of this equipment and the improvement in the diagnosis of breast cancer “we will be able to get closer to that dream of curing more women in this country.”

The Roche manager reiterated that the health systems of the region, and in the Dominican Republic in particular, have innumerable challenges that by “addressing them in isolation or solitary, make solutions more difficult” to achieve.

“If we join forces, if we unite knowledge, if we unite the differences in areas of expertise that each one has, we will generate better and faster solutions that truly benefit the people who need it,” Soto remarked.

General photograph of the launch of breast cancer immunohistochemistry studies, at the National Cancer Institute (Incart), on October 18, 2023, in Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)/EFE/Orlando Barría

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