“Telemedicine does not exist as a unitary service”

by time news

2023-10-20 11:06:46

Telemedicine exists as a concept, but not as a unitary service. Individual processes must be created for individual services: technologies, skills and integrations with national platforms (Fse, Nsis, Ana and Istat); the relationship with large IT companies and device suppliers; the use of corporate vertical systems for data science (Cce, Cdr, Fse2.0 and others); the need for data interoperability and the role of large pension institutions in data governance. These are, in summary, the contents shared by the experts present at the round table dedicated to digital health (e-Health), telemedicine and Pnrr hosted at Welfair, the new format that Fiera Roma has organized to bring together all the players in the world of health.

There are “two of the most interesting points that emerged from the meeting – states Andrea Gallo, managing director of Phases and Mediapartner of Welfair 2023 – The transition from the right to privacy to data protection. When the protection conditions are met, the current GDPR allows” in fact “to circulate data among the actors of the health system. Regarding the Pnrr, there have probably been too many loans and investments financed of not always excellent quality, overshadowing how the structures will actually have to function in 2026. Finally, the thorny issue of training healthcare workers involved in the digital health process”.

Speakers at the debate included Pietro Giurdanella, councilor of Fnopi – National Federation of Nursing Professions Associations; Antonio Gaddi, president of the Italian Telemedicine Society (Sit); Francesco Gabbrielli, head of ISS Telemedicine; Guido Scorza, member of the Guarantor for the protection of personal data; Maurizio Rizzetto, member of the ICT committee, Italian Association of Clinical Engineers; Maria Immacolata Cammarota, director of Assinter Italia – Association of companies for technological innovation in the regions.

“In addition to being archived in centralized structures – underlines Cammarota – the health data must be kept at the reference health company that produced it and must then be able to be viewed, used and processed within a reasonable time by those who, downstream, are able to help the citizen’s treatment process. In other words, if I carry out a radiological examination at the healthcare facility I belong to, today, thanks to the new digital architecture implemented by the new electronic health record, company filters are provided (gateway) that ‘clean’, codify and validate the health data or document so that it can be correctly transferred to other doctors, other hospital structures, other Regions. Health companies must therefore be able, in the framework of the next digital health, to produce the data, validate it and make it available to anyone who can use it for the necessary purposes, even in different regions”.

Gaddi spoke on the constant dialogue between central and regional structures. “The telemedicine stations – he highlights – cannot be limited to one point in space, but must be scattered to follow the citizen in his right to move. For this reason the protection of data is accompanied by its mobility. This is why the theme of telemedicine it is, first of all, an issue of infrastructure: effective and protected. It is a process of years – which depends on the action of many institutional subjects, but requires – he concludes – the co-production contribution of all the companies involved” .

#Telemedicine #exist #unitary #service

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