The truth game

by time news

2023-10-20 16:54:34

EDITED – You know it, France-Soir, we have “The challenge of truth”, the show during which I interview a guest who is in the news, without taboo or tongue-in-cheek, with the aim that he does the same in his answers: the truth , nothing but the truth, the whole truth (“I swear !”). After all, in respect of journalism’s duty to tell the truth whatever the cost because of the public’s right to know the truth.

Jean-François Delfraissy, for his part, never agreed to take up this challenge, nor to come and debate France-Soir facing a credible opponent on the specific subject of covid, such as for example Professor Christian Perronne. And yet he was invited several times. Jean-François Delfraissy is the former president of the “Scientific Council”, the “controversial” authority whose opinions were followed to the letter or almost by Emmanuel Macron and his government during the Covid crisis, and which imposed on us two confinements, curfews, wearing a mask and, incidentally, compulsory vaccination under penalty of being ostracized from society.

Well, dear Jean-Fançois Delfraissy has just done much better than agreeing to take up “The Challenge of Truth” with us. In front of the mainstream media summoned for this purpose, he took up the concept of the game show formerly presented by Patrick Sabatier, “The Game of Truth”. Or rather with…

Indeed, in order no doubt to “clear” everyone a little (but you will have to ask him directly for confirmation), here is what Mr. Delfraissy did on this occasion, and at the time it seems to have arrived be accountable (1): without contradictor and while the Council of State validated the opinion of ARCOM according to which Ivan Rioufol should have interviewed Professor Perronne by opposing him… a contradictor!

Professor Delfraissy who always affirmed that if he was sure of himself, 100% formal in his “recommendations” made as president of the Scientific Council, it is because he had absolutely all the “scientific” elements in hand regarding the vaccine, declared the day before yesterday: “We discovered the side effects gradually”before adding: “Because it was an experimental product”.

And yet, when he was president of the Scientific Council, Mr. Delfraissy stated exactly the opposite: the side effects were known, very few in number and without danger, “simply because it” was not a product. experimental but of an authentic anti-Covid vaccine which, to be granted this designation and marketing authorization, had scrupulously respected all the steps imposed by the protocol put in place for this purpose.

Yes ! Mr. Delfraissy is playing with the truth, just as the President of the Republic, the Prime Ministers, the Ministers of Health, the government spokespersons and the other health authorities, have played with the health of all of us, French citizens. And they continue to do it…

Because not only did all these people and authorities know full well that this so-called vaccine was in reality not one, only an experimental product, and that therefore no one could validly assert that its side effects were known, few in number and not dangerous, unless you completely forget. Therefore, these people and authorities are guilty of fraud.

And they are all the more so because they have never informed citizens of the state of knowledge on the true specificities of an experimental product that they sold to us as a vaccine with known side effects, few in number. and not dangerous, when they imposed compulsory vaccination.

Worse ! These people and authorities (and the media experts in their pay) have treated as conspiracy theorists and pilloried the media and professionals, and even, for some, removed the scientists and doctors who enlightened the public on these specificities and on the risks, extremely serious for some, and even fatal, of this experimental product!

And all this for a pathology which was and remains only very slightly lethal, infinitesimally lethal. And not at all lethal for the youngest age groups, infants and young children for whom the government still imposes vaccination today. However, the famous benefit/risk ratio that all authorities have claimed to be in favor of benefits, this ratio about which in reality no one could say anything during the first vaccination campaigns, proof has now been provided, and statistics provided that it leans very clearly towards risks.

In this regard, let us recall the conclusions of the study which was carried out on this subject by the Ioannidis team at Stanford University:

“People under 65 are at very low risk of death from Covid-19, even in epicenters of the pandemic, and deaths of people under 65 without underlying predisposing conditions are remarkably rare.”

Also at Stanford University, the study by Pezzulo et al. on the median coronavirus fatality rate for the period preceding vaccination:

0.0003% from 0 to 19 years old; 0.002% from 20 to 29 years old; 0.011% at 30 to 39 years old; 0.035% at 40 to 49 years old; 0.123% at 50 to 59 years old; 0.506% at ages 60 to 69.

Mr. Delfraissy, you are a champion liar of poker. The precautionary principle has never been respected. And at no time has the benefit/risk ratio been favorable to people who are not “at risk”. And this was known very early on, first with the Israeli data, then with the French pharmacovigilance of the ANSM: everything was visible and known to you.

So it’s all well and good to try to cover things up with a smile, as if everything had been done to the best of its ability, but that’s totally wrong. There were mistakes, serious and at all levels (notably the coercion which made it possible to impose experimental products), mistakes committed at the highest level, with the President of the Scientific Council at the head.

Is that why you went on the set of C l’hebdo, to try to convince? A day soon will come when you will have to explain this in court. By the way, Jean-François Delfraissy, transparency required, how much did you receive from laboratories between 2010 and 2017?

(1) And above all in order to try to clear his own customs, because Jean-François Delfraissy does not benefit from presidential criminal immunity guaranteed by the Constitution, nor from the de facto impunity of which the Court of Justice of the Republic benefited all ministers. With a total of 100% acquittals and dismissals or, at worst, admissions of guilt, but exemption from punishment. This is a bonus for members of the government. They have nothing in common with the average litigant who goes before “normal” justice. And the benefit/risk ratio of an appearance before the Court of Justice of the Republic, this “launderer”, leans totally in their favor.

(2) Conversely, all the studies that have been carried out after vaccination show that the fatality rates linked to Covid-19 are very significantly higher for vaccinated people.

#truth #game

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