Irene Montero defends that it is urgent to “stop Israel’s feet” and act against the “planned genocide” in Gaza

by time news

2023-10-20 20:40:59

The acting Minister of Equality Irene Montero has joined the pressure campaign on the PSOE that her party colleague, Ione Belarra, began. In this context, Montero has defended that fundamental issues, such as foreign policy, must be agreed upon within the coalition Executive and has specified that calling for action in the face of Israel’s “planned genocide” in Gaza does not entail “a problem.” of powers”, but to react for “humanity” and in defense of human rights. To which she added that it is urgent to “stop the feet” of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu.

However, Irene Montero wanted to make it clear that the demands launched by Podemos, such as breaking relations with Israel or requesting sanctions for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, are not a “threat” or a “red line” for the future investiture.

A “planned genocide” by Israel

This is what the acting minister said in statements to the media after attending the inauguration of the XIII CESIDA Congress. From there he has denounced that what is happening in Gaza is a “planned genocide” by Israel and that acting to “stop” Netanyahu is not a question of powers in the Government, but rather seeking what can be done “for humanity.” , for “defense of democracy” and for “guarantee of human rights.”

“When we are faced with an open violation of international humanitarian law, when we are talking about war crimes… This is not a problem of powers in the coalition government, it is what we can do to act forcefully and to solve the problem,” has emphasized the politics of Podemos.

Montero has specified that this – the defense of human rights – should be the “priority objective” and for that reason, since its formation they have been proposing diplomatic pressure measures in the style of those applied by the international community to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. . These ‘measures’ would correspond to economic sanctions for those “politically responsible for this genocide”, expressly citing Netanyahu; to the Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Galant; and who “are making those decisions to leave the Palestinians without water and electricity.”

Irene Montero has also taken the opportunity to point out that Spain, with its current presidency of the EU Council, has the opportunity to exercise a “leadership position” before the international community. Thanks to that, as the acting Minister of Equality has stated, it could be exposed – and despite the fact that Israel is a “very powerful” nation – that we cannot be “complicit” in the “planned genocide” that they are carrying out. out in Gaza.

#Irene #Montero #defends #urgent #stop #Israels #feet #act #planned #genocide #Gaza

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