“Omicron can be the rescue”

by time news

The coronavirus variant Omicron has been spreading rapidly among the population for days. At the weekend, the average seven-day incidence nationwide was over 500, but in Berlin alone the values ​​​​climbed to well over 1000 in some districts. The good thing is: the course of the disease is usually harmless, at least in those who are fully vaccinated and have recovered. Many are now hoping that Omikron will herald the end of the pandemic. This also includes the virologist Christian Drosten and Berlin’s general practitioners.

The chairman of the General Practitioners’ Association of Berlin and Brandenburg, Wolfgang Kreischer, told the Berliner Zeitung on Sunday: “Omicron can be the salvation.” The mutant is very infectious, it can lead to rapid infection and with low mortality. “Only if no other mutation displaces the omicron again, which is more lethal, will the fifth wave come.” However, he hopes that other mutations will no longer take place and will be displaced as a result of an infection and that people will be better protected after an infection. According to Kreischer, the hope is that nothing will come after that. It could be by the end of the year, he said.

However, an epidemic can only be advantageous if the majority of people are vaccinated, because then the omicron variant is not as dangerous as other virus variants according to the current status. It is now also clear that there is no 100% vaccine protection. Only the course of an infection is usually harmless.

At the same time, general practitioners are questioning compulsory vaccination

If Kreischer has his way, the debate about compulsory vaccination is also obsolete after an epidemic: “Then the government must also ask itself whether compulsory vaccination still makes sense.” But they have already postponed the decision for compulsory vaccination until March . The head of the Association of General Practitioners: “I suspect that the government is probably hesitating now because by then the infection with Omikron will have progressed and there will be an inactivated vaccine.” . For Kreischer, vaccination is currently pointless anyway. “It would have caught in the first and second waves, but it’s too late now.”

In his practice, Kreischer is now observing a rethinking of vaccine skeptics who suddenly allow themselves to be immunized. “This is also due to the fact that many want to continue to participate in public life, whether it is to be able to visit a restaurant or a pub,” says the head of the General Practitioners’ Association.

Virologist Drosten: The defenses against the virus are increasing

The physician Kreischer joins the ranks of cautious optimists. The virologist Drosten also sees light on the horizon. The chief virologist at the Berlin Charité sees the spread of the omicron variant as a “chance” to overcome the corona pandemic: The rapid spread of the “weakened infection” could help to be able to declare the pandemic over at the end of 2022, Drosten told the Tagesspiegel On Sunday. Then the pandemic will turn into an endemic.

One cannot “in the long term receive the immune protection of the entire population via a booster vaccination every few months,” said the virologist: “The virus has to do that.” However, Drosten emphasized that this was only “based on one anchored in the general population Vaccination protection” is possible – otherwise “too many people would die”. The defenses against the virus are constantly increasing, said Drosten. “The population builds up immunity and keeps it.”

Federal Health Minister Lauterbach warns of difficult weeks

At the same time, Drosten announced the “next milestone” in the fight against the corona virus. For example, a spray that sprays “weakened viruses or a modern variant thereof” into the nose can create mucosal immunity there. “That would be a much better transmission protection,” he said.

Meanwhile, Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach remains in warning mode. “We are threatened with very difficult weeks in Germany,” said the SPD politician of the picture on Sunday. He added: “In view of the currently declining number of hospitals, especially in the intensive care units, we should not feel safe.” At the moment, it was mainly the younger people with many contacts who fell ill. But as soon as the elderly become infected, the number of hospital admissions will increase again. Therefore, the SPD politician continues to rely on vaccination, which should be prescribed for three vaccine doses, he said at the weekend. In other words: twice vaccinated plus refresher.


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