Herak Haifa Statement: Let’s stop the war of extermination against the two million Palestinians besieged in Gaza!

by time news

2023-10-16 13:34:24

Important statement from the Palestinian organization Herak Haifa (Free Haifa), based in the Palestinian city of Haifa.

urgent call

Enough of Zionist war crimes against our Palestinian people!

The European and American imperialist powers are complicit in the war of extermination against two million Palestinians confined in Gaza!

To the daughters and sons of our unbreakable people, in our land and in the diaspora,

To all people with a conscience in the world!

We make this call, this urgent appeal, at the most dangerous moment in the history of our people, a history full of calamities, tragedies, bombings, massacres and expulsions.

From here, in occupied Haifa, we raise a cry of pain and sadness and an urgent call for action to save the two million sons and daughters of our people of Palestine, children and the elderly, against whom the Israeli war machine has launched an unprecedented war of complete annihilation, and unprecedented even with the long and bloody history of this colonialist State.

We must not forget that the campaign of crimes against humanity directed against our people today in the Gaza Strip is not simply a “madness” practiced by the current fascist government, but a continuation of the policy of ethnic cleansing that has converted the majority of Gaza residents into refugees besieged in this small piece of Palestinian land, where the basic needs of human life are not guaranteed, for 75 years now. The siege against this people intensified, even more brutally, when the resistance forced the occupation to withdraw its forces and settlers in 2005. Rabin once declared his desire to see “Gaza sinking into the sea,” and now we witness of how his followers and his murderers unite to drown Gaza in a sea of ​​blood.

Today’s criminal offensive to exterminate our people in Gaza is a new stage in an endless series of Zionist crimes that seek to realize their dream of inheriting and colonizing a “land without people.” We make this call while we are persecuted, while Palestinian blood is spilled with impunity in Palestine and in the diaspora. This year alone, around 200 Palestinian Arabs were murdered within the “sovereign borders of Israel” (1948 Palestine) by bullets from criminal gangs, who have the protection and even support of the police and the occupation army.

In those same days we witnessed a massive campaign of imprisonment against anyone who expressed an opinion contrary to the bloody chorus of the regime, the expulsion of Arab students from universities and the dismissal of workers from their jobs, the suppression of any expression of protest, and the recruitment, arming and revival of settler gangs with the police and army turning a blind eye. The result of all these persecutions is that protesting, or even simply crying out in pain at the bloodshed of our people, is seen as a crime.

We are screaming and crying for an end to this slaughter while our hands are tied and our homes are under siege. But we know, and the world and history will know, that behind war criminals there are those who support and embolden them while they feel safe in their homes and offices, hoping to profit from the suffering of others. Among them, first of all, are the imperialist powers of Europe and the United States, their politicians and owners of multinational companies who calculate the expected currencies. The bombings, massacres and killings are defended and encouraged by the racist and biased media that blesses the shedding of Palestinian blood, as it blesses the shedding of blood of all oppressed and colonized peoples.

We make this call, with great hope, to the Arab peoples and all the peoples of the region and the Third World, who suffered under colonialism and occupations for centuries, paid a high price for their freedom, and still suffer under the system. neocolonial. We believe that our sisters and brothers around the world are capable of preventing regimes from rushing to normalize relations with the Apartheid State. We believe that the reestablishment of international solidarity between oppressed and exploited peoples is the guarantee to end colonialism, stop the suffering of our people, and establish a better world for all.

We return and demand that everyone do everything possible to prevent the campaign of genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip, immediately!

At this time, when our people are being exposed to the most violent attacks in their history, we promise everyone, friends and enemies, that our people will remain stronger than all the conspiracies against us, and that the firmness and unity of our people They are the guarantee of return, freedom and dignity in the future democratic State of Palestine.

Glory and eternity to the martyrs of our people.

Healing for the wounded and freedom for the prisoners.

Haifa, October 13, 2023. Translation: Natalia Estrada

#Herak #Haifa #Statement #Lets #stop #war #extermination #million #Palestinians #besieged #Gaza

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