Campaign 2023: all-terrain fundraisers | News

by time news

2023-10-20 17:14:32

The electoral path is coming to an end and so is campaign fundraising, one of the most important issues for each candidate. Aspiring to the Presidency of the Nation without money is destined to fail. To obtain financing, you need to designate a trusted person with the ability to raise funds. And it is not only about logistics issues, but also about trust with potential contributors, because not everyone is qualified to pass the cap or organize an electoral “vaquita”. It is an art in which very few dare to venture for fear of becoming involved in uncomfortable conversations about the use of that money. Those who decide to delve may find themselves surrounded by stinging doubts.

On the campaign team Javier Milei, two people have that trust: Carlos Kikuchicampaign manager of the libertarian, and Nicolas Posse, friend and coordinator of the technical teams. Both, each with his own style, dedicated themselves to working to raise the money to support the tours, the posters, the surveys, the consultants and all the services that are hired for an election. From setting up a stage to printing a pamphlet.

In December 2022, Posse created the civil association Institute for Growth, whose main activity was ser un think tank to provide equipment to a possible Javier government. That institution also functioned as a collection mechanism to accompany the libertarian leader with contributions.

The three companies that contributed the most to Milei are registered at the same address: Florida 537, in downtown Buenos Aires. Called Franquimar SA, Smart Commerce SA and Dulkord Companyand between the three they total 96 million pesos and are dedicated to the sale of computer equipment, technology and computers for gamers.

On a personal note, The biggest contributor was Sebastián Braun, a member of the family that owns Supermercados La Anónima and also owner of the La Huella parador, in Punta del Este. The second largest contributor is a consultant from La Libertad Avanza named Fernando Cerimedo, who records contributions “in kind” for 28 million pesos. All registered after PASO between August 23 and 31. Cerimedo is known for naturalizing the use of trolls in digital campaigns.

In total, the campaign Milei raised 162 million pesos between private contributors. At least, that’s what it declares in white.
More money. In Patricia Bullrich’s team, the person who concentrated on the administration of the funds was María Oneto, one of the candidate’s most trusted people, who had the cooperation of Pedro “Pierre” Pejacsevich, a financial advisor who became one of the main fundraisers in the space and also joined as a contributor with 9.5 million pesos, an unprecedented double role. Pejacsevich is a close friend of Mauricio Macri, with whom he usually shares bridge games, although they play in different categories. This year they traveled together to the World Cup in Marrakech, which was held at the beginning of September.

Patricia Bullrich’s main contributor is the banker Patricio Supervielle, who through Supervielle Seguros, Supervielle Asset Management and Supervielle Productos Asesores de Seguros added the succulent contribution of 180 million pesos. The second largest contributor is Inurban Inversiones Urbanas Nuevo Milenio, of the Techint Group, with 56 million pesos, and is followed by Libra Compañía Argentina de Seguros, with 45. In fourth place, with 39 million, is Aurum Valores, the securities brokerage company. Fabio Calcaterra, linked to the entire financial business of Macri’s banker cousin and owner of the digital bank Bi-Bank, former Banco Interfinanzas. In total, Bullrich fundraisers raised 1.1 billion pesos from private contributors.


In Sergio Massa’s campaign team, the main fundraisers were the current deputy chief of staff, Juan Manuel Olmosand the director of Customs, Guillermo Michel. The influence of the latter is noticeable among the main contributors: the Chamber of Private Fiscal Warehouses is the second largest contributor with 19.5 million pesos and is followed by a Customs broker named Jor Paul Damontewith 15 million pesos.

Massa’s biggest contributor is the businessman Rodolfo Serrano, owner of the logistics company Fleet Group, with an operational base in El Talar, Tigre district. He supported Massa with 20 million pesos of the total of 340 million that he declared having raised, privately, for the official candidate’s campaign. A little further down the ranking is the Chinese citizen Hang Lin, owner of De Once, a wholesale company of linen products that this year obtained a license from the AFA to sell products with the brand of the football clubs and the national team. Argentina. Lin contributed 15 million pesos. A grateful Chinese.

Francisco De Narvaez He was a little lower than Mr. Lin. The businessman who owns the Chango Más supermarket chain contributed 10 million pesos registered on September 26. In the Unión Por la Patria bunker they say that De Narváez would also have collaborated with the hiring of the Brazilian consultant who joined the campaign team in the last month. Massa’s closest businessman, José Luis Manzano, would also have collaborated with this type of hiring that is outside the records of the National Electoral Chamber.

Raising money for a political campaign is a difficult task. It is collecting money that will fall into the trash of politics, where no one will know very well what it was spent on and those who lose will not have to return anything. Political financing comes into the public eye only in election years, but the mechanism works the same 365 days a year. The policy is sustained by looking for businessmen to bank on the project. And who will ask for the money? The necessary collectors.

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