A presidential chair for 24 contenders! – Independent Congo

by time news

2023-10-20 21:51:03

Contrary to speculations reporting the invalidation of this or that other candidate “in the mother of all elections” – in other words the presidential election -, the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) transmitted to the Constitutional Court what looks like to a “hot potato”, as the Belgians say. This is the list of twenty-four applicants for the post of President of the Republic including the outgoing Head of State, Felix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo. The Constitutional Court has seven days to publish the final list. We note several “unknown to the battalion”.

Experts in political communication and marketing consider “notoriety” and “talk” to be essential elements for anyone setting out to conquer an elective position. These “spin doctors” consider that there are at least four factors that win an election.

Below, in alphabetical order, are the identities of the 24 contenders.

Floribert Isiloketshi ANZULUNI, former bank employee Jean Claude Etafe BAENDE, former governor of Greater Equator Tony Cassius BOLAMBA, former governor of Greater Equator Georges Falay BUSE, former director-cab of President LD Kabila Franck Shamba DIONGO, Martin Madidi FAYULU, former Exxon employee Mobil, unsuccessful candidate 2018 Marie-José Mputa Mpunga IFOKU, 57 years old, former governor of Tshuapa Moise Chapwe KATUMBI, 59 years old, former governor of Greater Katanga Kanda Rex KAZADI, political activist Masudi Seth KIKUNI, Entrepreneur, unsuccessful candidate 2018 Patrice Mwamba MAJONDO , NFL footballer André Anedu MASALU, Entrepreneur Ponyo Mapon MATATA, former PM, Minister of Finance, dir. BCECO Justin Bisimwa MUDEKEREZA, 57 years old, president of MDVC Denis Mukengere MUKWEGE, Gyneco-obstetrician, Nobel Peace Prize 2018 Constant Tungunga MUTAMBA, lawyer, president of the “NOGEC” party Adolphe Fumutshi MUZITO, Inspector of Finance, former PM, minister of the Budget Aggrey Kurisini NGALASI, Evangelist Liloo Bokonzi Loli NKEMA, Théodore Ilunga wa Nsenga NGOY, lawyer by profession, unsuccessful candidate in 2006 Delly Kapitu Kaseng Dja Hipungu SESANGA, member of the RCD political council, director-cab V/P JB Bemba Noël K. Muadiamvita TSHIANI, former banker, unsuccessful candidate Felix-Antoine Tshilombo TSHISEKEDI, 60 years old, outgoing Head of State Soborado Tebabho RADJABHO, president of the Congolese party United for Change

The candidate. The candidate is the first element that wins. And this through his notoriety, his oratorical talent and his ability to find the right words to explain his program and “excite” potential voters. It is assumed that before launching the campaign, the candidate had carried out a strategic approach in advance to identify the aspirations of potential voters. Downstream, there is the tactical approach intended to bring together – in the speeches – the candidate’s program and the expectations of the “electoral market”.

Money, the sinews of war. The money is just as important as the candidate. Without money, no posters. Without the money, no advertising campaign in the media. Without money, there is no means to pay the members of the campaign team. Finally, without money, there is no travel in the 26 provinces.

The mood of the moment. It’s about deciphering the state of mind of the population. For example, at a time when Rwanda – and to a certain extent Uganda – is increasing acts of destabilization in the eastern part of Congo-Kinshasa, would it not be inappropriate for a candidate for the Presidency to display with a wife from one of the countries of the Great Lakes Region?

The political party. The candidate for the Presidency of the Republic must have a “partisan machine” or a support committee.

Outgoing president, candidate for his own succession, Felix Tshisekedi Tshilombo should be wary of complacent and non-disaggregated polls, particularly in terms of sampling. This type of “investigation” is demobilizing. There is a great risk that the “leaver” will sleep on his laurels. No candidate should be underestimated.

The outgoing President would be well advised not to only talk about the results of the five-year term. Citizens like to be told about the future. The “new project for the future”. While waiting for the Constitutional Court to publish the “final list” of the selected candidates, an appointment has been made for December 20.

May the best win !

Baudouin Amba Wetshi



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