Gérald Darmanin, the strategy of outbidding

by time news

2023-10-21 15:00:07
Gérald Darmanin prepares for an interview on BFM-TV, in Paris, October 19, 2023. STEVENS TOMAS/ABACA / STEVENS TOMAS/ABACA

The funeral of Dominique Bernard has just ended. This Thursday, October 19, on the plane bringing him back to Paris, after attending the last tribute paid to the literature teacher at the Gambetta high school in Arras, murdered by a radicalized Russian, Emmanuel Macron sighs: “The fight that must be waged must be in the name of the common and not in the name of identity. »

A few hours later, strolling for a moment on the banks of the Seine, the head of state confided to a handful of journalists his fears of seeing the country tear itself apart by importing onto our soil the logic of the Israeli-Palestinian confrontation, which has intensified since the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel on October 7.

“We have the largest Jewish community in Europe, we have a lot of young people who are of origin from the Middle East, the Maghreb or Africa. We also have a lot of young people who are of Muslim faith.he emphasizes. If we manage this situation poorly, it can be a divisive element. » A warning to his impetuous interior minister, Gérald Darmanin?

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers On the banks of the Seine, Emmanuel Macron’s almost solitary walk

For several days now, the media has been saturated by the battle being played out remotely between the tenant of Place Beauvau and star footballer Karim Benzema. “Karim Benzema is, as we all know, notoriously linked to the Muslim Brotherhood”, said Mr. Darmanin, Monday October 16, on CNews, to comment on a message from the former Blues striker on social networks, offering his “prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza, victims once again of these unjust bombings who spare neither women nor children ».

A message “extremely selective”, guilty of ignoring, in the eyes of the ex-member of the Les Républicains (LR) party, the Israeli victims of Hamas. Either “the same speech as the Muslim Brotherhood”, he said. A supposed « lien » which the Ballon d’Or vigorously denied through his lawyer, announcing his desire to file a complaint against Mr. Darmanin. “In what framework does the minister speak?asks Cécile Mamelin, vice-president of the Union of Magistrates. If there has been an offense and an investigation is opened, he must not speak. If there is nothing, it is in the register of rumor. In all cases, these demagogic and dangerous comments contribute to an increase in the degree of psychosis. »

“Into the Battle”

The next day, on the occasion of the annual Republican dinner of the Council of Jewish Communities of Val-de-Marne, the Minister of the Interior spoke: “Hate of the Jew and hatred of the cop come together. Not by conviction, but by electoral calculation”, he says. The audience applauds, the left bristles. The charge, we confide at Place Beauvau, is aimed at La France insoumise (LFI) and its leader, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who, after asserting that «the police tue», refused to label Hamas a terrorist organization. The same day, Mr. Darmanin seized the public prosecutor for “apology of terrorism” against the LFI deputy of Paris Danièle Obono, who designated Hamas as a “resistance movement”.

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