“Stop the doctor Roberto Petrella”

by time news

2023-10-21 15:40:49

“Dr. Roberto Petrella, regularly registered with the Order of Doctors of Teramo under number 1862, goes live from his page asserting that vaccines cause cancer and diabetes. We ask the Order of Doctors to stop this dangerous misinformation”. The association Nobody Tocchi Ippocrate (NtI) launched the appeal via Facebook, highlighting that “unfortunately even famous people have given it a voice, such as Red Ronnie for example. To our followers – adds NtI – we remind have protected against diseases. Vaccines have made it possible to eradicate some diseases. Be responsible! Always!”.

The case of Petrella, 76 years old, a gynecologist, had already been discussed by the Omceo of Teramo which in 2019 ordered his expulsion. A provision against which the doctor had appealed, and so his name continues to appear when you start a search in the online list of members of the provincial Order. In January 2022 Petrella was also arrested by the Catanzaro police and placed under house arrest on charges of manslaughter, for having prescribed alternative treatments to a patient from Campania, who later died. Hands off Hippocrates posts a video in which the doctor states, among other things, that “if you have vaccinated your children it is not my fault, and if you come to me with tumors you must not expect healing from me, but you have to turn to oncologists.” And again: “One man in every two and one woman in every three will develop cancer in their lifetime”, and “Italy is in first place in Europe for pediatric cancers since they introduced mandatory vaccines”.

ROBERTO BURIONI: “ABUSE OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A POLITICAL QUESTION” – “Freedom of speech is a foundation of democracy, but there are those who abuse it. It is not a scientific question, but an exquisitely political one. The helmet is useful: it can be allowed someone to tell you that it’s safer to ride a motorbike with your hair flying in the wind?”. Roberto Burioni, professor of Microbiology and Virology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan, responds to time.news Salute commenting on the case. “I wrote a book in 2018 (Bale Mortalli, Rizzoli) – he recalls – to highlight the danger of those who spread lies in the medical field and to explain that alternative medicines – the virologist comments – are as alternative as a flying carpet is to a parachute.”

#Stop #doctor #Roberto #Petrella

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