Insurance Union: the defense of workers in a context of uncertainty – El Periódico

by time news

2023-10-21 21:19:25

This October 21st commemorates the Insurance Day in Argentina in memory of the first government initiative to create an insurance company in the country, in 1944. For this reason, insurance companies and their workers will be on leave next Monday the 23rd -since by agreement the day is moved-.

In this framework the Insurance Union San Francisco Branch It is a year of challenges, achievements, but also uncertainty and expectations. The local union representative, Mariela Vaillard, spoke with El Periódico about the situation that this union sector is going through, before the presidential elections that will take place this weekend. “There is concern that workers’ rights are at stake, because there are candidates who talk, for example, about eliminating severance pay or directly want to go against collective bargaining agreements“, he stated.

Despite this context, the union reached an interesting joint agreement, which managed to partially compensate for the salary loss caused by inflation. “This year with the issue of joint ventures we had an advance in October of 20 percent, which cumulatively is 117% and a reopening for November and December is being discussed,” said Vaillard. The woman highlighted that, regardless of the achievements in the joint ventures, the challenge is to keep salaries updated in the face of the constant variation in prices.

Benefit for affiliates

The San Francisco delegation has more than 200 members, but there are more than 1,000 associated with the Obra Social de Seguros (OSSEG).

In terms of benefits, Graciela Negri, from Social Action of the delegationcommented that the union offers a wide range of benefits to its members, including daycare, school and textbook subsidies, social tourism and access to social work.

“We can say that our social work is very good and very complete, all members are very satisfied,” said Negri.

Regarding the activities carried out during the year, the union organized the Children’s Day party and a collection to help those most in need.

In San Francisco, according to Vaillard, companies and workers maintain a stable relationship, which is why, as he expressed, “union negotiations focus on specific issues, such as scheduling issues or a particular case of dismissal, but it does not represent a major problem to “the time that the union must intervene.”

Finally, the union delegate sent a congratulatory message to all insurance workers. “We wish you a happy day and that you continue working with commitment and professionalism,” she said.

Insurance Day: why is it celebrated today, October 21?

On September 8, 1944 and through Decree No. 24,203, the National Insurance Superintendency established that Insurance Day in Argentina would be October 21 to commemorate the first government initiative to create an insurance company in the country.

On October 21, 1811, the First Triumvirate sent a note to the Consulate Court with the intention of creating a discount bank and a marine insurance company in the Viceroyalty of the Río de la Plata.

For some historians, it was Bernardino Rivadavia – then secretary of the First Triumvirate – who was the manager of the project. But for others, it was Manuel Belgrano. Hence, in the central hall of the National Insurance Superintendency, there is a painting of Belgrano, who is considered a hero and father of insurance activity in our country. Every October 21, workers in the sector linked to the SSN carry out tributes in that central hall or in the Belgrano mausoleum, located in the Federal Capital.

#Insurance #Union #defense #workers #context #uncertainty #Periódico

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