Clever Alleged Thief Posing as Mannequin in Poland Evades Authorities

by time news

Alleged Thief Poses as Mannequin to Evade Authorities in Poland

An alleged thief in Poland came up with a bizarre and clever plan to evade the authorities by posing as a mannequin in a store window. The 22-year-old suspect was caught freezing motionless with a bag in his hand, pretending to be a mannequin in front of a shop window, according to the police.

The ingenious criminal was hoping to avoid detection from the surveillance cameras by blending in with the mannequins. “In this way, he wanted to avoid being exposed by the cameras,” stated the police in a translated statement.

Reports reveal that the thief stood motionless in the mall store window until the store’s closing time. Once all the customers had left and the doors were secured, the man broke away from his act and targeted a jewelry stand, robbing it of its precious items.

Not content with just one round of theft, the audacious thief returned on another occasion for a second spree. This time, he took advantage of the mall’s food stations, indulging himself before stealing a new outfit. Remarkably, he even had the audacity to return for more food afterward.

However, luck eventually ran out for the cunning thief when he was noticed by the mall security guards. Polish authorities arrested the 22-year-old man and announced that he could face up to 10 years in prison for his crimes.

Interestingly, this was not the first time the suspect had targeted a shopping mall. Police revealed that he had previously stolen money from a cash register and attempted to steal other items after the mall had closed.

The audacious escapade has left both authorities and the public astounded by the sheer creativity of the criminal’s plan. It serves as a stark reminder for businesses and security personnel to remain vigilant and adopt robust measures to deal with such unconventional criminal tactics.

For now, the alleged mannequin thief awaits his fate as the authorities proceed with the legal process.

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