Covid, France approves the super Green pass. Socialists demand control by the Constitutional Council

by time news

The French Parliament has definitively adopted the bill which provides for l‘implementation of the “vaccination pass”, equivalent to ours super Green pass with 215 votes in favor, 58 against and 7 abstentions. This is the twelfth health emergency text in France since the beginning of the pandemic, in March 2020. The final vote of theNational Assembly it came after a parliamentary battle that lasted about ten days, but it’s not over yet. Before the bill enters into force, the socialist parliamentarians have announced their intention to submit the text to the Constitutional Council so that respect for “fundamental freedoms” is guaranteed: a practice that will postpone the promulgation of the law for a few days.

The text passed by the deputies is similar to the one they voted last week, but with some changes. For example, the vaccination pass it will not impose itself on adolescents between 12 and 16 years, which will still have to have a health pass to access many places. Today’s decision puts an end to a long discussion that in the day of Saturday 15th January it had forced the deputies to a long session lasting until 4 in the morning, at the end of which it had been approved the transition from “health pass” to “vaccination pass” at second reading.

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