Association Urges Prime Minister Netanyahu to Allow Journalistic Questions at Press Briefings

by time news

Association Urges Israeli Government to Address Prime Minister’s Refusal to Allow Journalistic Questions

The “Success – for the Promotion of a Fair Society” association, which advocates for economic regulation, has sent an urgent letter to the Legal Advisor to the Government, Gali Beharev Miara, and to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The letter is regarding the Prime Minister’s refusal to allow journalistic questions to be presented during press briefings or interviews with him. The association has warned that if this issue is not rectified, they will submit a petition to the court as soon as possible.

The letter highlights a concerning trend since the establishment of the current government, where Prime Minister Netanyahu has almost completely avoided giving interviews to Israeli media. The association argues that while it is acceptable for public officials to have discretionary space in avoiding direct answers to journalistic questions, recent developments have effectively eliminated any opportunity for journalists to receive direct answers.

The situation arose following the fighting situation in Israel, which began on October 7th. The association believes that there is a clear and increased public interest in the Prime Minister, the Government, and the Prime Minister’s Office providing interviews to the media. They argue that this should be considered a unique resource that allows media outlets and journalists to ask important questions and receive direct answers.

The association emphasizes that public office bearers should act according to egalitarian and decent standards, avoiding tactics such as confiscating media or giving selective interviews. They believe that the current conduct of the Prime Minister in giving interviews, or lack thereof, has fundamental flaws that should be addressed and corrected.

Given the circumstances of fighting, terrorism, and bereavement experienced by the Israeli public, the association asserts that change is necessary. They argue that the Prime Minister should engage with the media in a transparent and factual manner, while also respecting equality, competition, freedom of the press, expression, and the public’s right to know.

The “Success – for the Promotion of a Fair Society” association is confident that their efforts to highlight this issue will lead to a resolution that benefits both the media and the Israeli public. They await a response from the Legal Advisor to the Government and Prime Minister Netanyahu, hoping that a prompt resolution can be achieved. If not, the association is prepared to take their case to court in pursuit of a fair and equitable society.

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